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  1. cinimod

    Puss in Boots' Rest

    Hi Daniele, Love the figure but when I go to 'shop' bit on you website it doesn't seem to allow me to click on it to purchase. Do I have register?. I'm already on your mailing list........dom
  2. cinimod

    Puss in Boots' Rest

    Love it, I've even got a cat that would sit on my chair like that given half a chance. He thinks he owns the place .........dom
  3. cinimod

    Review Mounted Sapper 3rd Hussar Regt from Soga Miniatures

    Very nice, reminds me of the nicely proportioned figures that Metal Modeles do. Nice and simple.........dom
  4. cinimod

    Wanting to Buy MMM Awi busts (ex Ellie's)

    This is the manufacture but not shown on list These are the kits when they were produced by Ellie's who are no longer in business ......dom
  5. cinimod

    Wanting to Buy MMM Awi busts (ex Ellie's)

    Tam has asked if I'd like anything "busty" for Christmas, got a couple in the set missing, namely the Bombadier and the Lazans legion ones. Contacted MMM but aren't in in stock till next year so was wondering if anyone had them kicking around their GA for a reasonable price..........dom
  6. cinimod

    Poste Militaire....

    I used to visit Bonapartes when ever we went to Bath and always came away having bought something. Lovely little quaint shop with loads of models, magazines and lots of painted examples on show for us mortals to admire, but not much room to swing a oooo paint brush let alone a cat............dom
  7. cinimod

    Duchy of Warsaw Drummer with Daughter Bust

    I think you're right, the briquette is wrong in both the way it curves and also the grip but remakable. I do like the rest of it though and a very good bit of casting bearing in mind the complex nature of the sculpt..........dom
  8. cinimod

    New Release - Brunswick Hussar Bust (Revamp)

    I think he's sculpted the hair more convincingly and added the cloak, I think it looks better than the original. Some cracking releases from Richard Bailey lately. Well done Bonapartes.............dom
  9. cinimod

    Latest Release - Lakota Sioux Mounted Indian Bust

    Just having a look at the pics again and I can't work out how the bit is supposed to stay in the mouth, I know Indians had a war bridle but this was different to that in the bust as it was a loop that was put in the mouth and then secured under the chin and then up to the hands but this just...
  10. cinimod

    Latest Release - Lakota Sioux Mounted Indian Bust

  11. cinimod

    Latest Release - Lakota Sioux Mounted Indian Bust

    Very nice and rather large but how on earth do you go about painting that (rhetorical question), it's going to take some planning. I like Richards stuff but I sometimes get the impression that the horses noses are a bit square but would be seriously impressive in any cabinet........dom
  12. cinimod

    New Release - Austrian Landwehr Pioneer/ Sapper 1812 Bust

    He's rather nice, I do like Richards sculpts........dom
  13. cinimod

    For Sale Any bust £10 each + £3.75 P&P

    Bust just turned up, thank you very much.........dom
  14. cinimod

    We the People - New Joint Release from SABOT Miniatures and FeR

    Yes, but I didn't want to be first to say anything. It does look somewhat odd.........dom
  15. cinimod

    Latest Release - Officer Austrian Grenadiers Bust

    That's rather nice, love the detail on the face...........dom
  16. cinimod

    Painting Geometric Patterns - How?

    I think a lot of it depends on the size of the pattern and a steady hand. When I did this Bonaparte bust years ago a spent hours just free hand drawing the hexagonal pattern on paper at the same size it would be on the bust just to get used to it and a bit of muscle memory. I then drew it on...
  17. cinimod

    New Release - Mameluke Standard Bearer Mounted Bust

    Nice kit Bonapartes, the only things that worry me a bit are that the muzzle of the horse looks too square to my mind and the top lip/nostril look out of proportion with the rest of the head. Apart from those bits the rest looks fabulous..........dom
  18. cinimod

    Alice and The Mad Hatter

    Hi Daniele, I've just put the deposit into you PayPal account and also left a message on there with my phone details and full postal address.......dom
  19. cinimod


    17th Light Dragoon by Pavol and will probably get the others over the coming year.........Dom
  20. cinimod


    Evening Nap. Sometimes we get hung up on the negatives, and never seem to praise the positives too often. And while I mention that, it is one hell of a nice bust..........dom