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  1. lpa53

    Completed Total War from Mindwork Studio

    Great job on the NMM. That's not easy to do.
  2. lpa53


    Fantastic flesh tones!
  3. lpa53

    Completed Dante Alighieri - Romeo 54 mm

    It's always hard to tell when you're "done". Perhaps set it in context with the rest of the figure - without any magnification - and see how it fits. Overdoing it might make it look too pristine. I think it looks fantastic as it is.
  4. lpa53

    Capellán de la Real Armada José Cao y Nuñez

    Great figure, great painting, and the imaginative base and ship "groundwork" top off this excellent piece.
  5. Tim Strawn 3 Group.png

    Tim Strawn 3 Group.png

  6. lpa53

    Completed Tambour Major

    This is looking great. What tools and material did you use for the buttons? And when you use the post-it paper, do you put something over it to fix it in place?
  7. lpa53

    WIP The clutter that is my bench!

    I noticed Connery but had to look again to notice Fox. Regarding your bench, mine is one figure surrounded by real clutter! If I had that many figures going at once - more than one, in fact - I'd be paralyzed about what to work on next and frustrated that none were actually done.
  8. lpa53

    WIP The clutter that is my bench!

    Holy cow! What a bench!
  9. lpa53

    Completed 1/9 General Gerard

    Can you show a photo of the cut down brush and say how t's used?
  10. lpa53

    Upcoming new releases

    Wow! Great figures! I especially love the Confederate and the European Infantry pieces.
  11. lpa53

    Completed 1/9 General Gerard

    Same here. As tough as 54s an be, in some ways they're more forgiving. I can't imagine being able to do great painting as Colin has done here on a large figure.
  12. lpa53

    Lancer, 3rd Regt Belgian Lancers 1890's

    Nice job! But how do you get so darned many projects done???
  13. lpa53

    "Ambush" , Poteau 1944

    Great panting and a well-composed compact set design.
  14. lpa53

    75mm Clinch Rifles, Georgia Militia 1861 finished master

    I definitely like the pipe version the best.
  15. lpa53

    WIP Danish Cuirassier

    Thanks, all! I'm a very slow painter so the progress updates might be slow, too. I'm still working out the paint scheme and one issue is the cuirass itself. Several sources say that they were painted black and the two examples of this figure that I've found have been treated that way. I like the...
  16. lpa53

    WIP Danish Cuirassier

    I just started on my first non-54mm and first resin figure, a Danish Cuirassier ca. 1700. The figure by Mike Blank is beautifully cast with the fantastic face being of particular note. Hardly any cleanup was required but, Mike Blank's figures being usually pretty simple in nature, I wanted to...
  17. lpa53

    WIP 10th Hussars 1808(Prince of Wales)

    Nice start. It's always fun to make a stock figure your own. Looking forward to watching the progress.
  18. lpa53

    Charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman

  19. lpa53

    Destiny - 120mm Carabinier. Waterloo 1815.

    I'm working on a cuirassier of the Great Northern War and want to add a bit of detail to the figure. As in this figure, I often see fabric at the bottom and arm holes. Does anyone know if cuirasses of the 18th century were lined or was something worn under them and over the uniform? Can't...