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  1. lpa53

    After good luck

    I saw a painting I think was one of Vasily Vereshchagin's, one of a "Buhkara soldier". Given how well you've done these, that one would make another wonderful figure.!Large.jpg
  2. lpa53

    Under Plevna

    This piece is wonderful. I just searched for Vasily Vereshchagin's work on the web and it is marvelous, with many subjects that would lend themselves to great miniatures.
  3. lpa53

    WIP "Size isn't everything" they say

    Thanks for the reply. I have such trouble with eyes, especially now that my own are getting older, that I was thinking of hiding the them a bit by painting cast shadows on figures that have deep-brimmed head coverings. But I always thought that would be regarded as an unacceptable practice.
  4. lpa53

    WIP "Size isn't everything" they say

    Question: Did you paint a cast shadow over the Dragoon's eyes or is that just the natural lighting?
  5. lpa53

    Completed Critique Tommy's War 9th Lancer

    Looks great! Love the pose and love the horse's coloring. And I just visited the Tommy's War site and really like their line.
  6. lpa53

    Opinion advice Re Piper Pose.

    Of them all, I prefer C.
  7. lpa53

    Completed Latorre's 54mm French Line Inf. Officer

    Very nice work! I especially like the brown leather tops of the boots and the subdued gold treatment on the headgear.
  8. lpa53

    Base Title Plates

    I tried several programs but ended up liking PowerPoint best. The net go round I'll definitely use the Sharpie.
  9. lpa53

    Base Title Plates

    The photo on the label is a neat idea. By layer, am I correct in assuming you mean a digital layer? After realizing I had several packs of glossy photo paper that had been packaged with ink cartridges, I made the label below. It's for an ancient Stadden figure I painted decades ago that...
  10. lpa53

    Base Title Plates

    Wow, those labels you made were great. Since I'm just getting back into the hobby and not even sure I can still paint, I'll stick to something simple for now!
  11. lpa53

    Base Title Plates

    What color background do you use? In the past I used parchment paper. I like the look of a black background but the lighter lettering isn't sharp when using normal paper. Does using photo-quality paper help that. Also do you use matte photo paper? ... and what thickness?
  12. lpa53

    Base Title Plates

    I did a search here but came up empty. What home-made name plates for bases do people use? Long ago (I'm just now getting back into the hobby) I used custom metal plates but that got expensive. Then I used parchment card stock and printed my own. I liked that but am having a hard tome...
  13. lpa53


    Wonderful work! Does War & Peaces have a website yet?
  14. lpa53

    Comment by 'lpa53' in media 'img_1232_5641.jpg'

    Black is so hard for me to get right and this does is so well. What's your palette for black?
  15. lpa53

    Knight of Flanders

    Looks great! What's your technique for the dirt and dust on the cape?
  16. lpa53

    Castle Miniatures - News

    If it's digital, does that mean someone could make a 3D print of it?
  17. Civil War Lady 2 - Small.jpg

    Civil War Lady 2 - Small.jpg

    Scratch-built figure by wife, Julie.
  18. Civil War Lady 1 - Small.jpg

    Civil War Lady 1 - Small.jpg

    Scratch-built figure by wife, Julie.
  19. lpa53

    Officer Grenadier Guards, Inkerman1854 New release from Troop54

    I'm trying to get back to [painting and sure hope my old eyes can handle 54s, as they're still may favorite. And I love this Troop54 range.
  20. Liberty - Small.jpg

    Liberty - Small.jpg

    Vignette by wife Julie.