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  1. simon m.

    The Saint (part 2)

    I have changed and revised some parts of the sculpt, and I have added a rather simple base. I rejected the idea of building an ammunition belt (in the appropriate size...) thus he is now armed with some kind of "hand-mounted-psylancer" or any other strange weapon that needs no bullets...
  2. simon m.

    Something Different...

    Acrylics on wood. About 25 x 15 cm. More...
  3. simon m.

    The Saint

    My latest sculpt, it stands about 30 mm tall, was sculpted with Milliput, Green-Stuff and some lead and plastic sheet. Besides Games-Workshop´s miniatures and artwork I was mainly inspired by a great miniature from David Waeselynck to start this project. I hope you like it and of course any...
  4. simon m.

    The Swordsman

    Hi, Thank´s a lot for looking and your comments! @garyjd: No, it is based on Games-Workshop´s IP thus there will be no castings. Regards, si.
  5. simon m.

    The Swordsman

    A 28mm Empire State Trooper. It´s based on Games-Workshop´s plastic State Troopers. My intention was to create a rather young, brave and also pretty naive soldier. I hope you like it and of course any comments are very welcome. Refards, si. More...
  6. simon m.

    So Gott mit uns wer wird wider uns seyn...

    Hi, Thank you all very much for your kind words! @Pinsel: I fully understand your point and I am aware that the weapon is absolutelly unchivalrous....nevertheless my intention was by no means to create an historically correct figure and the flail looks, at least in my opinion, far more "cool"...
  7. simon m.

    So Gott mit uns wer wird wider uns seyn...

    It´s been quite a long time since I started working on this knight (christmas 2009) but finally I have found enough time and motivation to finish the piece. It took a while until I had decided on a colour scheme and in the end I choose to go away one step from the fantasy references I used...
  8. simon m.

    Fantasy Knight

    Hi, Thank you very much for looking and your nice words! Regards, si.
  9. simon m.

    Fantasy Knight

    30mm sculpted with Green stuff lead and plastic sheet. It is my first sculpt in that scale based on my own concept. It was inspired by an artwork of Bretonnian heraldry (Warhammer Fantasy). I hope you like the sculpt, any comments are of course very welcome. Thank´s for looking, si...
  10. simon m.


    Hi, Thank you! @gordy: The chain was done with very fine streaks of green stuff, each segment seperatelly...It looks like more work than it actually is. si.
  11. simon m.


    About 35mm tall. Sculpted with Green-Stuff, lead and plastic sheet. More...
  12. simon m.

    Cù Chulainn 70 mm

    Hi, ...I can understand your reasons quite well...taking a look at your minis however would have been a reason for me to go... Keep on, si.
  13. simon m.

    Fencing Master (painted)

    Hi, Thank´s alot for looking and your comments! si.
  14. simon m.

    Cù Chulainn 70 mm

    Hi, very, very good so far!...your work is always a pleasure to look at! I´ve already wondered whether you did the broken chariot just as a stand alone piece... Thanks a lot for sharing, si. ps: will you be at this years "GD Germany"?
  15. simon m.

    Fantasy Fencing Master, Villain...?

    Hi, Thank you all very much for your kind words! I have eventually finished the miniature. Pictures: Thank´s for looking, si.
  16. simon m.

    Fencing Master (painted)

    The painted version of the fencing master. I am going to write more about the painting within the following days. So far, thanks for looking! More...
  17. simon m.

    Fantasy Fencing Master, Villain...?

    Hi, I have finished a new sculpt. It is 54mm tall and was sculpted with Milliput Green Stuff and lead sheet. I am still not quite sure what exactelly it represents...something like a renaissance fencing master or/and villain...interpretation is yours. Regards and thank´s for looking, si...
  18. simon m.

    Fencing Master

    Hi, Thank you for your answers and.... please excuse me for my bad English...."Fencemaster" I have a good idea for the base:)...of course I mean "Fencing Master". I have also changed the strange looking lips. Regards, si.
  19. simon m.

    Fencing Master

    The Miniature is 54mm tall and was sculpted with Milliput, Green Stuff and lead sheet. It started without a clear concept, eventually it turned out to be some kind of renaissance fencing master with a strong touch of "fantasy". More...
  20. simon m.

    Panther Knight (28mm)

    I painted these GW miniature because I like the sculpt and I wanted to test a colour scheme for the 54mm Panther Knight. More...