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  1. clrsgt

    Trio de piratas

    Excellent painting. Agree that they look more like characatures.
  2. clrsgt

    Navy Girl ........Pin up

    Nice figure; very reminiscent of the Vargas girls.
  3. clrsgt

    Paul von Hindenburg

    Beautiful paintwork. Always have liked this bust.
  4. clrsgt

    Vienna Siege

    Magnificent Hugo. I would love to paint the entire diorama, but sadly I have no display room left for dioramas of this size and I have three of your vignettes and four of your figures as well still to paint. This one will do very well and I can't wait to see what some Planeteers do with this one
  5. clrsgt

    News November 2021: Chronos Miniatures CHM-54262 & 54262(M)

    Great looking figure. I wish there were a reliable dealer for your figures here in the USA.
  6. clrsgt

    Oniria Miniature's: Massacre!

    This one is made for you Ken. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
  7. clrsgt

    Oniria Miniature's: Massacre!

    Fort Apache. This is a must have for me. Henry Fonda as Col. Thursday looks spot on for such a small scale.
  8. clrsgt

    Don't know what I have got myself into

    You have been given good advice and I can't improve on it. I think your decision to start with a simpler figure is the right one. Good luck with your projects.
  9. clrsgt

    Sharpshooter ACW

    I like this one. I am a bit of a civil war buff. Too bad it is a commission piece
  10. clrsgt

    New Figures from Alpine Miniatures!

    Very nice as always.
  11. clrsgt

    MG42 Gunner, Totenkopf Division, Kharkov 1943

    Awesome start. Leather and flesh look very good.
  12. clrsgt

    'A Tale of Two Horses' RDG Miniatures 1/9th Burthe and Trumpeter Bust

    I think it's a good idea. Going to try it on my 75mm version when I get to it.
  13. clrsgt

    Alexandros miniatures la vie a la mort: sergent d' infanterie de ligne ,1812

    I am thinking along the same lines at this point Steve.
  14. clrsgt

    'A Tale of Two Horses' RDG Miniatures 1/9th Burthe and Trumpeter Bust

    Good start. Rather like the grey horse so far. Are you going to dapple him?
  15. clrsgt

    WIP The Ambush.....1/30th vignette from Castle Miniatures

    Great idea and start; will be following closely.
  16. clrsgt

    Alexandros miniatures la vie a la mort: sergent d' infanterie de ligne ,1812

    Just opened. It is a real gem. Don't know how I will deal with the icons yet; maybe decals. I'm not good with free hand things like icons etc. Lots of thinking and planning to do. Need to get a proper base as well. Anyone have any ideas for the icons?
  17. clrsgt

    Alexandros miniatures la vie a la mort: sergent d' infanterie de ligne ,1812

    Mine is waiting to be picked up at the PO. Arrived today; missed delivery damn.
  18. clrsgt

    'A Tale of Two Horses' RDG Miniatures 1/9th Burthe and Trumpeter Bust

    A most ambitious project that will require patience as well as devotion to complete.
  19. clrsgt

    Legion Miniatures news.

    Very nice.
  20. clrsgt


    Excellent Roman; great animation.