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  1. stev1eran

    Painting Wood

    Thanks guys, I will give it a go :) Matthew - the figure is Stormtroopers 120mm Steve
  2. stev1eran

    Best Wishes for 2006

    Wishing all PF members, family and friends Health, Wealth and Happiness and for the rest of our Planet - Peace and Goodwill :) Steve
  3. stev1eran

    Painting Wood

    Hi all, I am after some advice again :) I am painting Stormtroopers Officer of Hussars, The Great Retreat, one of the areas that I have not yet mastered is painting wood whether it is on a rifle or in this case on the pistols. I have undercoated the areas in humbrol tan and I am now ready for...
  4. stev1eran

    120mm 1st Regiment, Lancer of the Guard

    Hi Dave, I too recently purchased this figure off E Bay and was very disappointed with the quality and finish :( As you have mentioned there are a number of inaccuracies with the uniform but I also found that the quality of the cast was poor with lots of air bubbles and the fit of the parts...
  5. stev1eran

    What kind of music you like planeters?

    Hi all, It normally depends what kind of mood I'm in, but my playlist has to include the following: Van Morrison, Paul Carrack, Gary Moore, Free, Marrillion just to name a few Steve
  6. stev1eran

    What Santa Brought our Planeteers

    Hi all and hope you all had a great Christmas, I got 2 figures - 120mm Verlinden British Desert Rat,1991 and 90mm F M Beneito Waterloo 1815 which is a Foot Guard moving an injured Hussar (I think). I also got the Napoleonics set of vallejo acrylics and a book of war poems which believe it or...
  7. stev1eran

    Dave Ashby

    Excellent work Dave Thanks for sharing your teqniques on painting metalics Steve
  8. stev1eran

    Years in the hobby

    Started on WW2 aircraft when I was a lad then discovered girls :lol: tried my hand at figures about 8 years ago but gave up due to work taking priority. I have recently taken up this great hobby/art again because I have much more free time and I am enjoying it immensely and thats what counts...
  9. stev1eran

    Anyone have any info?

    Thanks Dave, I will drop him a Christmas Card :) Steve
  10. stev1eran

    Anyone have any info?

    Hi all, A friend of mine has just given me an early Xmas present and I wondered if any fellow pf members may have any information about the figure. He picked it up in a junk shop and it is in need of some work. I believe that it is a British Dragoon of the Napoleonic period, dismounted and...
  11. stev1eran

    Vallejo acrylics-where to start

    Thanks Guys, I've taken that on board so I will see how I get on and post my next figure which I will try with acrylics so that I can get some constructive criticsm. Steve
  12. stev1eran

    Vallejo acrylics-where to start

    Hi all, I am looking to give acrylics a try and I want to buy a number of vallejo paints as a start to see if I can get to grips with this medium. I would be grateful if fellow pf members can sugest the paints to buy as a basic pallette. I have seen a number of sets aimed at different...
  13. stev1eran

    Track Santa with NORAD

    Brill Gary, I have been good this year, so I will be able to see when my box load of Xmas goodies will arrive :lol: I wish !! Steve
  14. stev1eran

    I have a question regarding Dragoon Officers.

    Hi Xenofon, I have looked through a number of references that I have and there seems to be a fair bit of contradiction, however I have found that a few of them seem to say that the Empress Dragoons epaulettes, cords etc where a light orange in colour except in the case of the Officer's - which...
  15. stev1eran

    Acrylic Paint

    Thanks Einion, some really useful information on those links. I guess I will get my good lady to get me some vallejo acrylics for Christmas then :)
  16. stev1eran

    Acrylic Paint

    Has anybody used paint from a company called 'Coat D'arms' ? If so - what is it like ?and how does it compare with other brands that fellow pf members use. Thanks Steve
  17. stev1eran

    Historical Miniature #52

    Cheers Roy, all done and dusted, it should be winging its way up country very shortly :thumb: Steve
  18. stev1eran

    Historical Miniature #52

    Is this magazine available in the UK? if so who are the stockists? If not can I get it through subscription? I would be grateful for any info PF members may have Thanks
  19. stev1eran

    Officer of Dragoons - Finished

    Yet another stunning figure great work Angelo Steve
  20. stev1eran

    51st Light Infantry Finished

    Excellent work Jim :) I like the work on the trousers Steve