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    The love / fear relationship of intimidating projects

    Hey Jungle! this is Petra writing today. And I'd like to tell you a story of my life: I saw a new mini on the market and bought that shiny new grey miniature. Of course, I'll paint that ... ... when I am more experienced! Raise your hand if you have ever thought - or even said that. Rest...
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    Review: The Art of ... Volume 05 Tommie Soule

    Hey jungle folks, this is Hansrainer again with the next title in the series: a review of the fifth book in The Art of... series by Dave Taylor Miniatures, which shows you the work and tips of famous mini painters from different backgrounds and styles. This book is different from the...
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    Open Book Review: The Art of ... Volume 03 Ana Polanšćak

    Hello and welcome back dear jungle readers, This is Hansrainer and I welcome you to the review of the third Volume in the Series "The Art of..." - by Dave Taylor Miniatures. This book is all about the Croatian artist Ana Polanšćak, a household name in the grim dark scene. In contrast to...
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    Review: The Art of ... Volume 02 Christof Keil

    Hello dear jungle readers, this is Hansrainer welcoming you to the second review in my Series on "The Art of …" by Dave Taylor Miniatures. As with the last volume, I procured the review copy myself, again a friendly loan by a member of my local community, Oliver. The second volume is at...
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    Review: The Art of … Volume 01 Miniature Monthly

    Hello dear Jungle readers, this is Hansrainer with the first of a lengthy series of reviews on "The Art of..." book series by Dave Taylor Miniatures. Dave started this series with a first Kickstarter in April 2021 to fund the production of the first three volumes. He followed up roughly a...
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    A very Massive Bembel Review

    Hey Jungle! This is Andy, David and Petra bringing you a massive Bembel review! From 09.03.2024 - 10.03.2024 some of us ventured to the first ever edition of the Bembel Miniature Cup in Rodgau near Frankfurt, Germany and we'd love to share our review of this event. So let's dive in! The...