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  1. je_touche

    "Memories of Flight School"

    John, great work as we are used from you. Maybe you would like to diversify the ground a bit, some oil stains or a bit of weed would make it look more natural in my opinion. Maybe these are finishing touches which you intend to add anyway. Very much looking forward to seeing it all come...
  2. je_touche

    Fantasy Dwarf

    Good sculpt, nice dwarf. You got the hang of it. Ich würde den Axtstiel noch etwas verdicken, damit er nicht so fragil aussieht. Vielleicht hattest Du das ohnehin vor.
  3. je_touche

    Netherlands Musketeer (2)

    Excellent SBS on one of my favorite periods. Very much looking forward to your next steps. Though I work in the smaller scales this is all very instructive. Could you please give more details about how you did the muskets? Are these two going to represent members of a Dutch city guard or...
  4. je_touche

    English infantrymen in progress 1/35

    Bardzo czysta i dobra robota. Nie jestem fachowcem, ale mi się wydaje że hełm jest troszkę za mały i siedzi za wysoko na głowie. Ale mogę się mylić.
  5. je_touche

    BATTLE OF ULUNDI - Step by step

    I echoe what the others have said. This must have been one of the most enjoyable and instructive sbs's I have ever seen. And you did it all through pics only. Please do show us an sbs of your painting of this vignette. And pls do a another sculpting sbs.
  6. je_touche

    "Memories of Flight School"

    John, I have to say I sort of miss your regular installments of former days. Anyway, I wish I had your knowledge and perseverance to do a huge project like this.
  7. je_touche

    Sumothay (Enigma-Miniatures)

    I've seen drab versions of this figure, so why not go the other way and give it a bit of samurai style armour? (Including a daring hairstyle.) That's what fantasy is all about.
  8. je_touche

    1:24 Austro-Hungarian storm trooper 1917

    Lol, we were having the same idea at the same moment...
  9. je_touche

    1:24 Austro-Hungarian storm trooper 1917

    steel helmet Excellent sculpt. Amazing for a first scratch-built figure. Allow me one criticism though. I am no expert as far as World War One is concerned, but to me the helmet looks more like a German Wehrmacht model of WWII. The Austro-Hungarian helmet of WWI was modeled after the German...
  10. je_touche

    Holland Officer of Artillery, 1705 - Young Min Review

    Would not an all-orange sash be okay, too? This is a nice figurine representing one of my favorite periods, but I would fill up the periwig before painting it. Maybe the sculptor wanted to make it look like pressed down by the hat, but the head looks odd this way.
  11. je_touche

    BATTLE OF ULUNDI - Step by step

    This is amazing. One of the best SBS I have ever seen.
  12. je_touche

    New Technology in Figure Sculpting

    As a figure maker I appriciate new technologies that could make modelling a bit easier while not taking the special something out off our hobby that makes us love it so much. Personally, I find making technical models rather annoying, such as weapons, accoutrements, and stuff. So why not...
  13. je_touche

    The leader. 1:35

    Aga, spasibo, eto ja kto ne ponjal. ;-)
  14. je_touche

    The leader. 1:35

    Žugašvili Igor', ty serezno govoriš'? Ne možet byt'. Ne ponjal-li ty ironiju togo, čto skazal Gary? Lučše zdes' o politike ne razgovarivat', no ja - kak istorik - s toboj ne mogu soglasit'sja. Palač ostavljaetjsa palačem.
  15. je_touche

    Support the underdogs of the figure market.

    King James Version? He might rather hold his own version of the bible. Martin Luther died in 1546, the King James Version was first published in 1611. I also doubt he could read English. ;-)
  16. je_touche

    A question of scale

    Mike, I completely agree with you, but my point was a bit different (maybe I did not make it clear since English is not my first language). What you are telling is true as to the establishing of ever new scales - I could never figure out the sense of using scales as closely related as 1/32nd and...
  17. je_touche

    A question of scale

    Mike, I can only subscribe to what you are saying. If every figure manufacturer/ figure modeller worked to scale as you say you do we would stop talking silly measurements and start talking scale. The beauty of that would be we could combine figurines for collections and/ or dioramas, and...
  18. je_touche

    A question of scale

    The most common distortion is the other way round. What sense is in naming a figure '54 mm' if it is actually 60-65 mm, regardless if measured to the eyes or to the top of the head? I find it very annoying that manufacturers do not keep to a given scale. There are things that would not vary...
  19. je_touche

    The Prussian-done

    Nice painting of an elegant figurine. I would not have used the barrel though. It's somewhat distracting from the figure, he is looking as if he is going to trip over it since he is not paying attention to where he is walking.