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  1. je_touche

    1/72nd Ancient & Medieval

    Todd, you just have to register first. The site also offers an English skin. Just skroll down to 'How to navigate on Najemo', there you get instructions how to switch to English. Even without the English skin, all the rubrics are also titled in English, so there is no real problem with using...
  2. je_touche

    1/72nd Ancient & Medieval

    Todd, you might try this link Website and discussion forum in German mainly about figures in the smaller scales. Don't be shy to put questions in English, you will always find someone who will be willing to help. There are some quite knowledgeable guys around there.
  3. je_touche

    Polish nobleman XVII cent. - Zagłoba READY !

    Cześć Wojtku, powtórzę że to jest świetna praca, prawdziwy typ Sarmata XVII wieku. Tak sobie wyobrażam Pana Zabłogę. ;) Pozdrawiam z Lipska, Andreas
  4. je_touche

    Polish nobleman XVII cent. - Zagloba (WIP)

    świetna robota. Prawie już karykatura. Podoba mi się.
  5. je_touche

    You'll not pass

    Frank-Holger, it's the same as Green Stuff. You can buy it at Games Workshop.
  6. je_touche

    Athens Miniatures New Figure from Babis Stathis

    Good sculpt, but feet and hands are a bit on the small side imho.
  7. je_touche


    Hello Evan, you should definitely use John Keegan's 'Face of Battle', one of the finest texts on Agincourt I ever read.