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  1. ArturM

    Wanting to Buy (ftg01) Alice, 80mm Nocturna Models

    Hi guys, I need to buy this figure: Any info? Or someone want to sell? Cheers Artur
  2. ArturM

    Completed 1/72 Waffen Ss Panzer Crew, 1944

    I saw it live and looks PERFECT! Al the best my friend :) Artur
  3. ArturM

    For Sale Some Items For Sale On Ebay

    Hi guys, I need to reduce my army, here is the linkt to ebay auctions, maybe something will interest you: Best regards
  4. ArturM

    WIP Critique Mg34 Gunner Jeff Shiu 200mm

    great work so far! best regards Artur
  5. ArturM

    WIP Critique Small Section Of Vietnamese Jungle

    wow...amazing groundwork!
  6. ArturM

    WIP Critique Alpine And Mantis Miniatures German Panzer Crew Eastern Front.

    Excellent work, Carlos! Can't wait to see it finished. Best regards Artur
  7. ArturM

    Contest - The Best Animal Theme On Diorama And Vignette

    Hi guys, check this contest! :) Her is the link to Mantis Miniatures Facebook profile
  8. ArturM

    WIP Jochen Peiper (life Miniatures)

    WOW...Dr.J! this is amazing... Face looks so realistic! Keep up the great work cheers Artur
  9. ArturM

    Completed Critique Fallschirmjäger Jeff Shiu 120mm

    Excellent painting! cheers! Artur
  10. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    thanks for a kind comments, guys! Best regards Artur
  11. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    I hope to see Carl's work live on Euromilitaria :)
  12. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    35050 WW2 Wehrmacht Sodliers - base not included - dedicated to all kind of tanks and cupolas Sculpted by S.Travianskiy (Menelay) / Painted by Carl Startin Best regards Artur
  13. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    35049 WW2 Wehrmacht Grenadier Sculpted by S.Travianskiy (Menelay) / Painted by Carl Startin Best regards Artur
  14. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    35048 WW2 Wehrmacht Tanker - base not included - dedicated to all kind of tanks and cupolas Sculpted by S.Travianskiy (Menelay) / Painted by Carl Startin Best regards Artur
  15. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release - August 2012

    New Animals Set from Mantis Miniatures in 1/35 scale: Best regards Artur
  16. ArturM

    Soviet tankman,1941

    Excellent painting! Regards Artur
  17. ArturM

    Mantis Miniatures New Release! (May 2012)

    Hello, I want to present you Mantis Miniatures new release in 1/35 scale: - 35044 U.S. Marine (Fallujah, Iraq 2004) Sculpted by D.Shevzov / Painted by Man-Jin Kim Inpired on: - 35045 New Iraqi Army Sculpted by D.Shevzov / Painted by Man-Jin Kim Inspired on...
  18. ArturM

    WIP Private, Centre Company, 19th regt ( 1st York North Riding) , Battle of the Alma, Crimea 1854.

    Hola Ernesto! Great start, my friend. Best regards Artur