Scale: 1:32 / 54 mm
Parts: 2
Material: Polyurethane casting resin
Pilot of the Royal Naval Air Service, 1916-18
For more informationes, klick here.
Best Regards,
Im looking for an model maker, who can make a motor cycle kit in 1/32 scale. If there is one interested, please contact me:
[email protected]
Best regards,
Hi boys and girls,
a few months ago I sculpted this fellow for my ww1 aviation series. Its nothing particular. Only a RNAS-Pilot in sakko wearing his cap and waiting for the next flight against the hunns. Scale is 1/32.
Best regards,
Martin "Kellerkind"
Hi boys,
thanks for the compliments and Ulrich many thanks for posting the link to the website.
I can promise that was not the last figure that I will sculpt on this interesting period :) ...
Best regards,
Scale: 1:32 / 54 mm
Parts: 2
Material: polyurethane casting resin
RFC pilot in flying coat, 1914-18
Available soon at our store (08.15.2011)!
Best regards,
Scale: 1:32 / 54 mm
Material: resin
Militiaman with Guards house, Imperial German Army, 1914 - 1918
Available soon at our store (08.15.2011)!
Best regards,