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  1. FortunesOfWarModels

    first time scultptor....

    i have never sculpted anything, with the exception of the odd bit as needed on a kit for conversions and the like. i have seen posable manequin models in basic human form with moving joints (see link) , would this be a good starting point for the inexperienced sculptor...
  2. FortunesOfWarModels

    The chosen men

    chosen men, were riflemen who had been promoted for performing feats of bravery and the like, and the silver cord of courage, was the mark of recognition of a "chosen man". Whilst not a recognised rank as such, it marked out chosen men as above average riflemen, and as such, was a great honour...
  3. FortunesOfWarModels

    Has anyone got a stick grenade in their spares box?

    well, if i come across any kits where the grenade is optional, i shall let you know asap :)
  4. FortunesOfWarModels

    Imperial gallery figures....

    anyone else had any trouble with these, or is it just me? the kits themselves tend to be high quality, and very detailed, but the problem tends to be casting marks and leftover casts. I.E. whent i did the SAS trooper, there were large (probably about an inch) of extra cast on the models...
  5. FortunesOfWarModels

    Royal marines artic bergen help needed please

    they are SAS and SBS issue bergans, but as is usual with "Gucci" kit, they often tended to filter their way down to the ranks. i myself had one up until about 2 years ago (it was so old it fell apart) I believe, they were part of the trialled 72 pattern webbing, which was mostly vinyl and...
  6. FortunesOfWarModels

    Bravo One Zero....

    sorry about the pics btw, the flash has a habit of eliminating quite a bit of detail. the best photo for seeing the details of the pinkie, is probably the overhead shot as the others dont really show the detail as you would see in real life :/ You are right about the figs needing a bit of...
  7. FortunesOfWarModels

    "Knock and Talk", 10th Mountain, Afghanistan

    amazing.... just amazing. thanks for sharing. great work!
  8. FortunesOfWarModels

    Bravo 6 charlie sheen figure

    im glad im not the only one who noticed the resemblance between Bravo 6's Vietnam figures and the cast of Platoon! great work there Julien, the eye patch is exceptional
  9. FortunesOfWarModels

    Bravo One Zero....

    This is the first diorama in this scale i have attempted, so feedback would be gratefully received. Its based on the Bravo One Zero patrol, inserted to North-Western Iraq in the gulf war, in January 1991, and consists of a 2 man SAS patrol and "pinkie" a long-wheel based land rover, converted...
  10. FortunesOfWarModels

    Bunker Hill 1775

    it was always cited on our (The Royal Marines) list of battle honours as "Bunker Hill" but geaugan, is correct, it was at breed hill. But then, history is full of battle named after the nearest big town, or landmark, for example the battle of Waterloo, was actually a few miles from Waterloo...
  11. FortunesOfWarModels

    The chosen men

    i couldnt really see because of the angle of the photo, but did you give them the "silver cord of courage"?
  12. FortunesOfWarModels

    [Apr 28, 2012] British Model Soldier Society Annual Show (London)

    the website needs updating a bit, the links wouldnt work for me. bit of a shame really, would love to find out a bit more about it
  13. FortunesOfWarModels

    1/16 ww2 british sas commando camo help

    bear in mind though that the yellow in the denison smock was considerably darker than the reproduction model shown in the link above would have been. i would suggest a dark green wash over a browned-out yellow to achieve the right sort of colour as seen in this image...
  14. FortunesOfWarModels

    first time scultptor....

    so, im looking to sculpt my own range of models, to sell in my shop, but i havnt the first clue how to go about this. can anyone offer some advice on the kit/skills i would need to be able to sculpt and cast my own resin models accurately?
  15. FortunesOfWarModels

    Wanting to Buy Verlinden 120mm "Desert Patrol"

    this one?
  16. FortunesOfWarModels

    Struggling with skin tones.... any advice?

    super stuff mate, that was exactly the sort of thing i was looking for!
  17. FortunesOfWarModels

    Has anyone got a stick grenade in their spares box?

    the dragon volksgrendier comes with one, I've just completed one, and was going to leave it out, but the kit is sculpted with a gap in the kit so it fits in without any fitting issues, so i popped it in. Kits are cheap enough though, i got mine for around £8 + a couple of quid p+p on ebay :)
  18. FortunesOfWarModels

    Struggling with skin tones.... any advice?

    Hi all, I've recently started painting 120mm figures, having never really done anything in this scale before, im struggling with the skin tones, and low and highlights on the skin. I've included 3 photos, the first, is a tamiya figure, converted to a SAS trooper attached to TF88, combined...
  19. FortunesOfWarModels

    How do you figure out what colors to use?

    i personally use vallejo paints for my figures, because they tend to do "matched" ranges for the era i paint, i.e WWII and modern era, and the colours are quite accurate. Other than that, i have citadel paints for mixing, again the colours are quite good and there is a lot of scope with these...
  20. FortunesOfWarModels

    Hi Hi Hi!

    hey all, im Tam, and i run Fortunes Of War Models, a bespoke modelling painting service and figure shop. I've been modelling now since i was 10 (im 36 now!) and i suppose i started in the usual way, doing 1/72 spitfires and the like! I've recently started getting into soldiers and diorama's...