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  1. E

    "View from my bench -2019 and beyond "

    Bravo Ivo! Brilliant work. Will these be at mfca? Will you have any of the Figurini figures fircsale at mfca? Ed
  2. E

    Completed Japanease Sniper - Phillipines - 1941 / 42

    Great job. Brilliant presentation. What color did you use for the uniform? Ed
  3. E

    Hi I'm New: my model kits

    Welcome! Fantastic work. Thanks for sharing. Ed
  4. E

    Normandy Counterattack

    A little vignette I had fun with. Ed
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    R. Lee Ermey

    A bust I recently completed Ed
  6. E

    Tommys War Prussian Officer

    Another finished figure. Great cast from Tommys War Ed
  7. E

    USMC Souvenir Hunter

    One of my recent figures. Apologies for photo quality. Ed
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    Long Island Show

    The Long Island Historical Miniature Collectors Society will be holding its annual show this coming Friday-Saturday, November 16/17. The location is the Freeport Recreation Center. In Freeport, NY. World renowned artists like Ivo Preda, Ricardo Ruberti, Greg DiFranco will be in attendance. It's...
  9. E

    The Armistice Project organised by PF member Kevin Dunne

    Great job by Kevin Dunne oganizing this incredible display. Ed
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    For Sale Some painted figures for sale

    I'll 5ake McAuliffe. Pm me please Ed
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    The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, my first scratchbuild.

    Brilliantly done. Excellent display. Very moving. Ed
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    2018 MFCA Show and Mart

    Great work at mfca.
  13. E

    2018 MFCA Show and Mart

    Best of show historical at mfca.
  14. E

    2018 MFCA Show and Mart

    This won best of show in the fantasy category at mfca.