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  1. E

    Looking For August-September 1914 Figures

    I'm particularly interested in finding any French figures, busts and also any figures, busts of Czar Nicholas II from the August/Sepetmber 1914 period. Ed
  2. E

    Completed Captain 4th Royal Fusiliers - Mons 1914 - 54mm

    Excellent!! What paints/colors did you use for the uniform? Ed
  3. E

    Acrylics sparta bust YM

    Great work. You have really captured the warrior spirit in this piece. Ed
  4. E

    Completed Spanish conquistadors. 75mm

    That looks fantastic!!! Ed
  5. E

    My Latest Work

    Hope you guys like. Ed
  6. E

    Completed Old friends

    Absolutely brilliant!!! Ed
  7. E

    Completed "Jack the Ripper"

    Thnx Dano. Really appreciate. Looking for to seeing your collection of goodies for MFCA!!!! Are the Rangers playing Saturday? Ed
  8. E

    Completed "Jack the Ripper"

    Great looking piece Danno. Hope you are bringing it to MFCA. Ed
  9. E

    Completed Critique Prussian Infantryman, 1916 (90mm)

    Great job all the way around. But I would think based on the pickelhaube this figure ir more 1914 than 1916. Excellent piece!! Ed
  10. E

    For Sale 1870 figures for sale !

    I might be interested in this one. ']SO-35 54mm metal figures French Cuirassier 2nd Regiment Foreschwiller 1870, 17€ Do you do PayPal?
  11. E

    Completed 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, Le Cateau 1914

    Great job from the sharp painting and the base layout. Excellent. Ed
  12. E

    Completed Critique Imperial Guard Grenadier - Beneito Miniatures 54mm

    Pedro, Fantastico!! Great job my friend. Love what you did with the white. Only thing I'd do is add a touch of red to the tip of the nose to give it that really cold feel. Ed
  13. E

    Completed Critique Grenadier Belge-1914 (jmd Miniatures 54mm)

    Beaitifully done. The figure really shows character. Ed
  14. E

    Rocroi 1643

    Brilliant!! No other words. Ed
  15. E

    Wip Chosin Usmc

    Working on a "bust" of a the USMC Bar Gunner from Warriors. I converted it into a bust just to try something different. Eyes are next so wish me luck. They make or break a figure. Just finishe dreading the book about the Fox Company Marines during the fight at Chsin. Temperature was constantoy...
  16. E

    Work In Progress

    Thank you Colin. Those lads from August 1914 deserve to be remembered mate!! Ed
  17. E

    Work In Progress

    Thnx Carl. The cart is from Miniart. It's plastic just heavily weathered. Minart makes alot of great 1/35 scale diorama/vignette accessories.
  18. E

    Work In Progress

    Thank you Marc and Steve. Not bad for a Yank eh?
  19. E

    Work In Progress

    I'm titling this "The Angel of Mons: BEF 1914" Ed
  20. E

    Work In Progress

    More pics. Ed