I am sorry for replying late - 3 kids and a puppy! This is the first chance I've had to access PF since 30OCT.
To honor those that serve through art.
Thanks one & all! All of your suggestions have saved me from some possible headaches, and all of the ideas will be stored in my tips file.
Great stuff guys, really appreciated;
Tony S
To honor those that serve through art.
2 points! Hadn't thought of that, great idea. I've got brass rod in a small dia. and a bit to match.
I've had a bit of a hard time pinning parts together and aligning them. Seems I just can't get the hole centered with the rod...this has lead to some turkey necked figures ;)
Thanks gents...
There you go Steve! Thanks much. There will be a gap I noticed when I test fit the arm, so gap filling super glue w/rod + epoxy should do it. I'm a bit concerned about drilling even with a pin drill though. Metal is soft.
Tony S
54mm Metal-Modelles (FR) 1914 Prussian - enlisted. Resin base (28mm) from Micro Art Studio - I bought this base from Games Plus in Mt. Prospect,Il. Silver medal painter's category - MMSI 2012.
I have this 54mm drummer boy, and I don't know how to attach the arm/drum and the hand/sticks. The arm and drum is heavy, the hand with sticks is fragile.
1) How should I attach them? Gorilla Super Glue or epoxy?
2) Not much area to drill into at 54mm - advise?
3) Should I attach parts then...
This is a harmonious piece. Everything is working together to create a very solid and well executed figure. Great job sir!
Tony S
To honor those that serve through art.
A 120mm bust is a great idea! Space saving and a bit easier to work on than the 200mm + sizes.
Very nice job & great subject.
Tony S
To honor those that serve through art.
Wonderfully constructed historical data, and how you have tied it together with the bust.
I'll be watching this journey Martin!
Also, thanks a million for your help with the WW1 Prussian uniform. It paid off with a silver medal at the Chicago show-my second year painting figs after a 40 year...
I would like some help please. I will be entering a 54mm figure of a Prussian Officer 1914 in the Chicago show this weekend and don't know which category to enter it. Stock figure on a "vignette" base - small, 2" x 2".
Open system - new to this.
Tony S
Hey Anders;
I've got to get there, plain and simple. It sounds like it was a great success last year. Keep us all posted!
Tony S
ps: being selfish, I'd like to see a Midwest seminar again...