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  1. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    Thanks for all the good advice guys, really appreciated. Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  2. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    I am sorry for replying late - 3 kids and a puppy! This is the first chance I've had to access PF since 30OCT. TS To honor those that serve through art.
  3. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    Thanks one & all! All of your suggestions have saved me from some possible headaches, and all of the ideas will be stored in my tips file. Great stuff guys, really appreciated; Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  4. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    Not to mention some colorful adjectives my old Drill Sgt. from Ft. Dix would be proud of! To honor those that serve through art.
  5. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    2 points! Hadn't thought of that, great idea. I've got brass rod in a small dia. and a bit to match. I've had a bit of a hard time pinning parts together and aligning them. Seems I just can't get the hole centered with the rod...this has lead to some turkey necked figures ;) Thanks gents...
  6. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    There you go Steve! Thanks much. There will be a gap I noticed when I test fit the arm, so gap filling super glue w/rod + epoxy should do it. I'm a bit concerned about drilling even with a pin drill though. Metal is soft. v/r Tony S
  7. image.jpg


    54mm Metal-Modelles (FR) 1914 Prussian - enlisted. Resin base (28mm) from Micro Art Studio - I bought this base from Games Plus in Mt. Prospect,Il. Silver medal painter's category - MMSI 2012.


  9. combatartist

    Need Advise - Glue Or Rod?

    I have this 54mm drummer boy, and I don't know how to attach the arm/drum and the hand/sticks. The arm and drum is heavy, the hand with sticks is fragile. 1) How should I attach them? Gorilla Super Glue or epoxy? 2) Not much area to drill into at 54mm - advise? 3) Should I attach parts then...
  10. combatartist

    Minuteman 1775 75 Mm

    Excellent and nice painted textures! v/r Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  11. combatartist

    British Infantryman. Ww1 (54mm)

    I'm with John & Tony. v/r The other Tony To honor those that serve through art.
  12. combatartist

    Completed Undead King

    This is a harmonious piece. Everything is working together to create a very solid and well executed figure. Great job sir! v/r Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  13. combatartist

    WIP 13th Lancers At Balaklava- 120mm Bust

    A 120mm bust is a great idea! Space saving and a bit easier to work on than the 200mm + sizes. Very nice job & great subject. v/r Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  14. combatartist

    WIP Iwan Sirko

    Wonderfully constructed historical data, and how you have tied it together with the bust. I'll be watching this journey Martin! Also, thanks a million for your help with the WW1 Prussian uniform. It paid off with a silver medal at the Chicago show-my second year painting figs after a 40 year...
  15. combatartist

    Completed 54mm Soldiers-alpini Nco Adua 1896

    Terrific job Sir. Color and blending is really nice. Tony S To honor those that serve through art.
  16. combatartist

    Firefly Models Update

    I second Mr. Bowery! To honor those that serve through art.
  17. combatartist

    Entry Category Help

    I would like some help please. I will be entering a 54mm figure of a Prussian Officer 1914 in the Chicago show this weekend and don't know which category to enter it. Stock figure on a "vignette" base - small, 2" x 2". Open system - new to this. Tony S
  18. combatartist

    Any Us Painting Clinics?

    Hey Anders; I've got to get there, plain and simple. It sounds like it was a great success last year. Keep us all posted! Tony S ps: being selfish, I'd like to see a Midwest seminar again...
  19. combatartist

    Completed Finally Finished The Violinist

    I just saw this now Terry - great job indeed. It was a fantastic class and I hope there will another, somewhere, somehow. Really nice shading! Tony S
  20. combatartist

    WIP Napoleon 1/72

    My God! Even the eyes are this a soft plastic like Airfix? What type of primer do you use? Truly fantastic. Tony S