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  1. combatartist

    Figure Painting Dvds ? Are There Any Good Ones Out There

    These are very informative! Short in length, but helpful.
  2. combatartist

    Figure Painting Dvds ? Are There Any Good Ones Out There

    The Marion Ball YouTube is great one, and there are MANY other YouTube videos also. I tried hunting down any historical DVD on painting figures, and came up with all the regulars. There are some by Miniature Mentor that can be applied to historical figures (acrylics)...
  3. combatartist

    Figure Manufacturing Companies Index

    Thank You Sir! This is a LOT of work.
  4. combatartist

    Ww1 Trench Base In 54mm?

    Hey guys; I'm looking for a WW1 trench diorama base in 54mm. I have the Verlinden models, but would like something a bit larger. If I had the time to create one I would, but I'll be happy if I finish the figures...
  5. combatartist

    Black dog - new base

    I agree with Tom - these bases are great and will set off a figure very well.
  6. combatartist

    MFCA Preview #2 - 54mm Civil War & Rev War - Model Cellar

    I like the Reb. Great pose!
  7. combatartist

    La Meridiana Great Lakes Warrior

    You know your facts! I'm from Wisconsin (TDY IL now) a Pottawatomie kind of guy, and this is a great review and paint job. Tony S
  8. combatartist

    Completed Critique Little Generals Mountain Man

    "It takes two painters to paint a who paints it, the other who tells him when to quit" From a wise, art school instructor I had.
  9. combatartist

    Acrylics General Theory Question

    Fruedian slip: Miniature Mentor, not military mentor.
  10. combatartist

    Acrylics General Theory Question

    Well guys, fall is on my mind, as is the MMSCI show. With this said, I have an acrylic painting question: Q: What is the most common method to paint in acrylics (faces), midtone - highlights, then darks or midtones, dark, then highlights.? I ask this because I've seen some of the military mentor...
  11. combatartist

    Open Book Evolution Miniatures U.S.Special Forces (4)Afghanistan 2001-2003

    I checked both US links, neither is up yet.
  12. combatartist

    Open Book Evolution Miniatures U.S.Special Forces (4)Afghanistan 2001-2003

    These are terrific! Who distributes them in the USA? I'm not current with manufactures.
  13. combatartist

    Open Book Driftwood Bases - The base 2b

    NICE! Very similar to adding the right frame for the painting.
  14. combatartist


    After really reviewing all of your reference - I realized you knew more than I ever did (next time I WILL read further before answering!). Still, the hat looks to heavy or wide at the top...
  15. combatartist


    This is a fantastic SBS review and we're glad you're back in the saddle again. I have always look forwarded to your insightful and thorough reviews and have learned a lot from them - Thank You! This appears to be a "Hardee" hat, with the calvary insignia on it. Most associated with the acclaimed...
  16. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor's new mini-photography video

    You were spot on. This was all about depth of field utilizing the equipment and techniques outlined in the tutorial, which understandably, is so very critical in getting a "great" image. Was there any ONE item, alibi the 12-14 Mp SLR, mentioned that was crazy expensive? No, but after watching...
  17. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor's new mini-photography video

    You bet Roger! Like I said, this tutorial went beyond the typical photo set-up and really was aimed at macro photography buffs who have a lot of the stuff already. A SBS video on miniature photography for mortals would be great! Tony S
  18. combatartist

    Acrylics More Andrea Whites

    These are stunning - well executed.
  19. combatartist

    Completed Critique 1898 US Marine

    First - great subject matter! I am a fan of the SPANAM war, Boxer Rebel, and the Banana wars. I'm in the process of working on a diorama in 54mm of a small portion of Kettle Hill. I wish there were more figures available for these periods... I like the figure and paint work, but the shiny base...
  20. combatartist

    planetFigure New Additions

    You really have produced a well designed and functional website Gordy, and we ARE truly lucky to have a guru like yourself running the show. Your time and commitment to this website goes way beyond what we should expect of one guy who has a life and a family! Thanks a million. Tony S