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  1. combatartist

    JoeK (re)launches 'zO'

    Nice logo!
  2. combatartist

    Big changes...

    You're the Man Gordy - no matter what transpires, it's all good! Thanks for the hard work and effort that goes into maintaining all of this. Tony S
  3. combatartist

    Open Book Scale Model Handbook 1, Figure Modelling 1

    I got mine a while back. It's very good, a few photos are a bit dark, but overall a good reference book.
  4. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor Video tutorials

    Hey Gordy; the format they use is MP4, and I haven't an iPad (yet) and figured the files would be too huge for my iPhone 4, so no, I haven't tried. With this said, I suppose I could convert the files to a format that will work on mobile devices. The conversion software is $49 and is really...
  5. combatartist

    Skijäger k.u.k. Austria

    Really nice! The simple base and snow work great. Tony S
  6. combatartist

    Review Miniature Mentor Video tutorials

    I want to give a review of Miniature Mentor figure tutorials. Though they have concentrated on the "fantasy" genre, the techniques employed in their thorough, detailed and well edited SBS videos, will directly apply to historical figure painting. I am very impressed with the quality and...
  7. combatartist

    WIP On the workbench...

    Robert; You guys who can sculpt amaze me - very nice SBS on your process. I replaced a head once and sculpted a bed roll, that's the extent of my sculpting. Tony S
  8. combatartist

    Acrylics Sargento de la Coronelía de la Guardia del Rey Felipe IV

    I was so hoping that this was 90mm... then I wouldn't feel so inferior about the heraldic art! Stunning - truly magnificent. Tony S
  9. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    Hey Nick; great eye for detail! Here in the colonies doors are 6'-8", so you are correct. I've been noticing scale variations in 120mm. Anything from 1:14,1:15,1:16, etc. if my calculations are correct, then 13/16" = 1'-0" in 1:16 scale. The Verlinden figure is exactly 120mm to the top of his...
  10. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    It's just like anything else Marc, it takes practice. I wouldn't have any idea how to use a lathe or wire my house (God forbid!), so I guess this won't be a solution for everyone, but it's just another tool! The full-blown PS package is for professionals and even though I have been using it for...
  11. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    I wanted to add these images to show my sketchbook and the figure so far. I start out with these "rough" sketches and I keep them in a bound sketchbook with notes, photos, etc. Tony S
  12. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    Thanks Carl! Yep, angle him and viewing angle. The photo of the figure is for placement only, done under basement lighting ;)
  13. combatartist

    WIP 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot vignette in PhotoShop

    OK, I'm a bit anal when it comes to research and planning. But here is the process I go through visa vie the computer and PhotoShop. I am able to "visualize" the scene before I commit to the final, and have found the computer/software to be a big plus. I have even used Google SketchUp to plan...
  14. combatartist

    Dazor fluorescent lamp

    Hey Piotr; I'm faced with the same problem. I've tried the Ott lights, not bright enough for me. Then I positioned (2) 100w clamp lights at 45's about 18" from the bench top - too much light. And then I began to wonder how these figures will be viewed? Using color corrected bulbs are great if...
  15. combatartist

    Welcome from Arkansas, USA

    Welcome Tom; I like the way you think. Straight, up & up critique, no lukewarm comments. I'm back in the hobby after a 35 year hiatus (I'm 52) and am a professional visual artist, but a newbie to figures. I want realistic and constructive advice, tempered with a sense of humor, because after...
  16. combatartist

    Hello, new guy here

    Welcome Blake, enjoy the trip! Tony S
  17. combatartist

    New release scale75 2012

    I agree Mike! A lot of wild scenarios with this one. On my list. Tony
  18. combatartist

    Scale Model Handbook 1, Figure Modelling 1

    I received my copy via the USPS the other day here in Chicagoland. Good shipping! I like the book, it's priced well and the layout is very well done. Personally, there are a few dark photos though, but overall, a nice book for the collection! Tony S (freezing in Illinois!)
  19. combatartist

    Verlinden figures

    Well, this was very informative and gives me a taste of the "historical evolution" of Verlinden. The knowledge base on PF is incredible and I am very appreciative for the detailed responses. I will be posting the 120mm Verlinden AAF Pilot soon. His face looks realistic, proportions seem...
  20. combatartist

    Verlinden figures

    Good morning; I was wondering about not seeing many examples of Verlinden figures posted on PF. I'm working on a couple of 120mm figures which I bought years ago, and I'm not sure if there is a reason for this - maybe I'm just missing the threads. Tony S