I never thought about the " knock offs". Hate these jerks who rip off legitimate business, especially the creatives out there.
Thanks for bringing this to light, after a 35 year hiatus from the hobby I would have not thought about this problem.
Tony S
Colin; how about a road sign (i.e. Belgium 12km)? or the remnants of a French camp, wine bottles or tin cups? September 1st - battle of Sedan, mud and wheel ruts...
I hope this is the right forum for this posting. I will be sharing some of my "finds" regarding tools and materials that may not be known to the "miniaturist".
Tony S
Found this app - it is something to consider for macro iPhone photography. It is NOT a replacement for a DSLR w/ a macro lens - BUT, I am amazed at its capabilities. Intended to be a magnifier, but can be used in conjunction with other camera apps. I import the photos to my camera roll, bring...
Weird, but a neat sculpt Gordy! You have a great eye for sculpting and should keep it going! I tried A&B for the first time (simple 54mm bed roll) and cussed through the whole process, I have no idea how you sculptors do it...
Be good;
Tony S
Are these still available Bill? I know I'm a few years late, and the email link is no longer current, but would really like to get these parts.
Tony Stencel
Thanks for the kind words! I needed the 2 glasses, one went the way of so many tiny parts, into the netherworld... This will be a gift to my dear old Mum, and "if" I can get it back in October, I'll enter it in the Chicago Show - fantasy/painters division, I think.
Tony S
Got to say, one hell of a paint job! Some good advise about the base, I would have done the same. I need to think about the figure, base and scenery as a whole, focusing on composition. Thanks for posting, I learned a lot from reading the comments.
Well this was a challenge. The photo-etched glasses drove me nuts and the elves are super fragile. Please pardon the photography, the figure actually looks better in person.
All comments welcome, thanks.
During my 4 years at the Milwaukee Institue of Art & Design, I was given one golden nugget of advice:
"it takes 2 painters to work on a painting (figure), one who paints it and the other who tells him when to stop..."
Happy Holidays to all Planeteers!
Tony S
Thanks Marc. Think I'll have to invest in a macro lens. Back in the day, I had extension tubes,2X converters and light meters and could actually take photos of a bugs butt. Love digital, but there are trade offs insofar as equipment.