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  1. JCOX

    Sculptor Andy Bergholtz

    Yes! Andy is one of the absolute best, especially at portraits. Here's an additional site of GREAT sculptors: Sculptors Corner. A few of my personal favorites (besides Andy) are Tony Cipirano, Jim Maddox, Joaquin Palacius, Greg Polutanovich, Mark Newman (<<Very Outstanding), and Ray Villafane...
  2. JCOX

    Movie Heros

    Wow Alex, he looks great! Is this going to be commercial kit? I'd love to see some details of the face. The post is right on - great Clint attitude there. -jim cox
  3. JCOX

    Figure of The Year - PiliPili 120mm

    Excellent. Congratulations Quang! It's great to see your work recognized in this way. -jim cox
  4. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Thanks for the feedback Gary and Joe. The pistols are not completely done. I am having a hard time painting them correctly though. I will be messing with them some more and adding a satin finish to them. I've not done the edging or the hat as well. -jim cox
  5. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Here are some updated pics, almost done. Additional input welcome. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  6. JCOX

    Militiaman for the APG

    Good job Joe. Looking forward to seeing him in Atlanta. -jim cox
  7. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Roy - Your're right, you gotta go with what works for you. For me, after years of painting with oils I was still not able to get the results that I'd like. I think with more work the techniques required for acrylics will better fit my persoanl style. Quang - Great 'action figure' comment. Nice...
  8. JCOX

    Facial Expression Learning tool

    Excellent site Gary. I think the most beneficial part is just playing with the muscle groups to see how the react. I'm not always able to 'tell' my facial muscles to act as I want them to in a mirror, or I may just not be aware of what muscles to move. This is a great learning tool. -jim cox
  9. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Thank you all for your input! Marc, Roc, Gary - Additional hilights/shadows will be added. One of the toughest things for me right now is getting the same brilliance as oils, especially in the highlights. Roc - Yes, I sculpted him. Thank you for the compliment. I have much to learn in...
  10. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Hey All, I've started painting my Josey Wales sculpt and I need some help from all you painters. This is my first attempt at an all-acrylic paint up. The face is done and the jacket (gray) is basically done. The shirt (blue), bandana and hair/beard have been started. What stands out to you that...
  11. JCOX

    Hartmann bust - progress

    Great start Craig. Will these coats be dry before adding the additional shadows? -jim cox
  12. JCOX

    Cautiously Curious

    To me this would be the correct course of action. This situation is more of a people (relational) question than a hobby question. Taking someone elses feelings into consideration is acting unselfishly and in accordance with true love for others, rather than doing what we want regardless of how...
  13. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Thanks Dave. The guns are just modified 1/6 scale colt revolvers that I bought over the internet. Wish I could take credit for sculpting them from scratch like some of the folks here can. Roy, Gary, Jason - Thanks for even looking! You guys have been an inspiration to me as a sculptor. Thanks...
  14. JCOX

    Downed but still fighting!

    Looks like this will be a very nice conversion Joe. Do you plan to have him done for Atlanta? -jim cox
  15. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Just about done. Have to add the holsters. -jim cox
  16. JCOX

    Master and Commander

    Great start Kamil. The pose and proportions look good and the likeness is shaping up. Please post more as you go along. -jim cox
  17. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Here's some progress(?) pics... -jim cox The guns...
  18. JCOX


    Excellent sbs Quang. It's great to have an inside look at how the pros go about their business. -jim cox
  19. JCOX

    Uncle sam

    Very nice job! Great original subject as well. -jim cox
  20. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Thanks for the comments! Francesca, I'll keep your points in mind. Thanks for the observations. -jim cox