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  1. JCOX

    Volunteers of Ireland, c.1780

    Excellent as always Gary! -jim cox
  2. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Hello, I decided to scrap my former CE bust and try again. Here is the latest effort: -jim cox
  3. JCOX

    Sgt.Kelly step two.

    Hey Jacek, Looking good! You have really captured his likeness well. Very inspiring! -jim cox
  4. JCOX

    Next movie hero :)

    Jacek, Another outstanding job. I wish I could capture likenesses with that much accuracy. I'm having fits with my Josey Wales bust - just can't seem to get Clint's likeness down. I envy you. Please post more pics when you can. (I'm using them to help me! :lol: ) -jim cox
  5. JCOX

    The Lost Battalion's Anniversary Figure

    Congratulations John - well deserved! -jim cox
  6. JCOX

    WW1 Pilot

    Outstanding work Per Olav! Your diarama is very impressive. Please keep us posted here. -jim cox
  7. JCOX

    OddBall next step :)

    Nice job Jacek. Very good likeness. -jim cox
  8. JCOX

    Hamian archer bust

    Nice job Primvspilvs. How did you make the helmet? -jim cox
  9. JCOX

    54mm CUIRASSIERS,1807

    Great job of sculpting Ho. Very clean and natural looking pose. I'm glad to hear that your figures will be produced. -jim cox
  10. JCOX

    Dutch Grenadier drummer

    Joe, Great job as usual. The whites look very good. I like the wear marks on the drum as well. -jim cox
  11. JCOX


    Excellent. -jim cox
  12. JCOX

    New Sculpts

    Nice beginning Anders. Interesting subject. Please keep us posted. -jim cox
  13. JCOX

    PiLiPiLi Miniatures

    Outstanding work Quang. -jim cox
  14. JCOX

    Rough Rider and Doughboy

    Excellent job on both figures John. Well done! -jim cox
  15. JCOX

    Clint Eastwood Bust

    Here's some updated pics. I've reworked the face and begun to add his clothing. Jason - Lone Watie is up next. ;) -jim cox
  16. JCOX

    Clint Eastwood Bust

    Thanks all. I've made some adjustments to him thanks to some very good feedback from a sculptors forum I'm part of. Hope to have some new pics soon. Also started working on the body. Jacek - I don't know how I missed the thread on your bust but it is OUTSTANDING! I'll definitely pick one up...