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  1. ookami

    Warrior Priest

    It is a very interesting concept, the sculpt is very beatifull and nicelly detailed, I especially liked the book hanging on the side, and the broken archs as a setting is very good.
  2. ookami

    ancient roman in ceremonial armour

    The armor details are incredible, you sculp them all of them? or do you use some kind of template?,It is a marvelous work.
  3. ookami


    Great sculpt, very wood texture work.
  4. ookami

    Spanish infantyman 1921

    Ok, it is a very good idea to use old works for future sculpts.
  5. ookami

    Spanish infantyman 1921

    Hola jose, me llamo la tension el maniqui, es una figura de plomo?.
  6. ookami

    Mounted Dwarf

    Hola JUanqui te quedo muy bien, me gusto mucho el rostro del enano.
  7. ookami

    "taurus" gladiator 75mm wip

    It is a really good sculpting task, on what scale it is made of?.
  8. ookami

    Sas 1942 №2

    Hi melenay, what kind of putty did you use on this 2 minis?
  9. ookami

    us marine

    wow, very detalied bust.
  10. ookami

    Terror bird

    Hi Einion, that is a good comment, on future sculptures I will take more real references for the historical birds, the last bird the finch I have not seeing it on the past is a beatifull image, thanls for sharing.
  11. ookami

    Terror bird

    Hola Rodrigo peus gracias por pintarla :), te quedo excelente ;)
  12. ookami

    Terror bird

    HI Einion, well originally I wanned to do a big bird to be used as a mount so I begin to investigate about the gigant birds the first that I find was the moa (extint 500 year ago) and on the ongoing investigation I found the terror bird family, I thougth that this is the best bird to be used as...
  13. ookami

    Terror bird

    A kelenken ?, I really does not know what that is Phill.
  14. ookami

    Terror bird

    I tougth the same when I look up the reconstruction of the bird the first time, I thing that the people of square enix base the initial desing of their chocobo on the same terror bird.
  15. ookami

    Terror bird

    Hi All, This is the first time that I post on this forum so I present my self, My name is Juan Jose and I am from Mexico, nice to meet you all. I am attaching some pictures of a terror bird I made on scale 1/32, the first one is the art on the one I lossely base the reconstruction of the...
  16. ookami

    big bad bird :)

    Well Actually is based on the Phorosacus bird, indeed it is a terror bird, here you can see images of the original sculp and a pair of the metal copy I still have some copies left so if any body is interested on geting one just let me know.