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  1. ookami

    Fantasy Fencing Master, Villain...?

    amazing work Simon, i really like the way you did the feathers on the hat, also the motion of the sculp and the face tell a lot about the mood of the character.
  2. ookami

    Game of the crocodile

    Like it Igor, bur never the less i kind feel that is a little bit out of the proportiond of a real crock, any way it is an amazaging sculpt and the wround work is incredible, I love it :).
  3. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    Hi to all sirs & Ladys, have attached the final pictures of this, I did take a long rest before finishin it :S jajaja, hope you enjoy it and if you dont please also let me know :thumb:
  4. ookami


    It is a really beatifull work roberto, I like the feather mobement an volume how did you did that?
  5. ookami

    I seek artist

    I may also be of help, send me a private message and we can chat about it.
  6. ookami

    Bust in Maya process

    I am from mexico and I feel deligted by this wrok is really beatifull, a very nice reproduction of the maya culture, congratulations sergey
  7. ookami

    Positive fiber

    really nice work
  8. ookami

    una vercion de la muerte

    interesante trabajo, en que material esta echo?
  9. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    thank you andreas :thumb:
  10. ookami

    Boer-75 mm Scratch

    beattiful work i loved.
  11. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    some more pictures i am almost over wit this miniature, hope to ear some comments :).
  12. ookami

    Japan invader.

    I like it a lot, greast work.
  13. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    Hi all, well here is the dwarf so far I have done some more changes so I consider it to be at an 80%. I have add some changes discused wit andreas on this post any how any comment es very well reciebe.
  14. ookami

    Freya, War Goddess.

    Very impresibe
  15. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    yep I was thinking on adding a dager and some small rivets to the belt, also I will do a helmet but is going to be a simple one wit out horns i have never liked that kind of helmet.
  16. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    thank you for your comments andreas I will some more bulk to the beard and may be some details later, i am doing a diferent axe just for fun if it turn to be more of mi liking i may use that one instead of the one on the pictures, on the belt i will add some more details so it does not look so...
  17. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    Hi Andreas yep I pourposuly let the face a little bit thin on order to put a bushi beard so hope you like the result, I am attaching some more pictures wit some advances, about the position of the left leg yes it is a little bit out of balance due the base being a temporal make up, i have made...
  18. ookami

    dwarven warrior scale 1/32 updated pictures below

    Hi all, I am working on the below project is a dwarven warrior, it is still on process but i wnated to share, I really apreciate your comments and critics about it.
  19. ookami

    28mm nude woman

    I like it a lot, very nice proportions for the scale
  20. ookami

    Huntress scale 1/32

    Thank you marcel