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  1. ookami

    Next Aussie SAS for BRAVO-6

    I live the stance, the wor on the coth and boots is great.
  2. ookami

    Scull hunter 1/9

    Nice predator, but it still need more texture is in it?.
  3. ookami

    Sgt.Elias 1/10 bust

    wow it looks great, the clot is very finelly detailed.
  4. ookami

    chosin reservoir korea

    It is lloking great, i does not work wit wax but you may tray wit a nylon sock to smoot it a little bit ihave hearthat this helps on that.
  5. ookami

    tribute to....

    it is a very good sculp, really nice details, and ois prety much as the picture.
  6. ookami

    go canada

    very good woork for a first sculp.
  7. ookami

    Chinese Warrior Bust

    yep I lek the idea a lot.
  8. ookami

    Knight of the blazing sun

    It is an incredible sculpt, the hair efect looks great.
  9. ookami

    My first commercial effort

    Congratulations and the best of luck on this new adventure.
  10. ookami


    wow is geting very interesting the idea.
  11. ookami

    Emmitsburg Road

    Beatifull work, your convertion was very extensibe, I really like the flow of the escene, I will be deligthed to see it painted and mounted.
  12. ookami


    It is very well done, the caracter is really weird but the bust is great Roberto :)
  13. ookami

    'A job to be proud of'

    Great work, i like the face a lot and the idea is greath too.
  14. ookami

    Tanker bust finished.

    Yep really nice sculp
  15. ookami

    1st Chechen war, winter 1995

    Incredible detailed for the small acale.
  16. ookami

    Sas 1942 №2

    Congratulations a very fine work on fimo.
  17. ookami

    Bust of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia,1/9 scale

    A very profecional work, I really like it.
  18. ookami

    What can I do with this Head?

    I suggest a pirate bust , it has a more villain face than an hero face on my opinion.
  19. ookami

    I need some help sculpting feet.

    It is actually not that dificult, use a small needle to trace the shapes of each finger on an unciured muliput piece, let it dry a little bit and the wit this same needle you can do the finger nails, you dont need to concentrate to much on the actual shape of the needles just need to have a...
  20. ookami

    I need some help sculpting feet.

    You will do fine wit milliput it is actually a good medium, the way that i work os ita I start wit an aproximated anatomy first, like on your picture i do the basic shape of the foot on a cured piede of milliput, I refine that shape with sand paper until it isd more anatomically correct on...