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  1. M

    1/35 Panzermann 'Hulk' scratchbuild

    This is the latest work from today, which was interrupted by a family phone call, hence the scrappy appearance of the putty. I am aiming to build a running crewman, with a rather impressive musculature. He will be decked out in pea pattern trousers and a half open, flapping undershirt. The...
  2. M

    First attempt ever at sculpting

    Here's the latest installment. Not very well lit, but i had to avoid glare from the putty. Started work on the torso, decided that the figure will eventually be carrying a load in the right hand, under fire. MfG Martin
  3. M

    First attempt ever at sculpting

    Cheers, what do you mean about dry hands? I used Toluene for a smoother. Or was it Benzene? ;) Safety first, since I'm a biology/chemistry teacher. Martin
  4. M

    First attempt ever at sculpting

    Taesung, since it's my first sculpt, I decided to work slowly. The right leg will be finished today, then I will add the torso armature at the weekend. Don't worry, if it goes well, I will be making lots more attempts. Purely for fun, you understand ;p Thanks for the encouragement Martin
  5. M

    First attempt ever at sculpting

    Sorry about the fingers in the shot, I haven't got a hands free yet. Working on a 1/35 50mm sculpt to ease myself into the world of sculpting. Just started on one leg with the musculature. Armature is made from soft toy fixing wire, and the putty is Milliput superfine. Drapery will be Waffen...
  6. M

    Verlinden's Fallschirmjäger 120mm

    Jaume, another beautiful piece from your repertoire. I particularly like the webbing. Looks very much like Max Schmelling. MfG Martin
  7. M

    12th SS Hitlerjugend and they're camo material...

    I have numerous references on the 12. SS Pz. Div. and none of them mention the us of Hungarian camo, rather the Italian 1929 cloth. Most box arts and on line figures get the colout combinations wrong. I had a look at your other postr and would recommend using the pale yellow as the base coat...
  8. M

    Alpine German Infantry Kursk

    Latest work today, added some shadows to the bread bag, and started the insignia with some touch ups along the way. MfG Martin
  9. M

    In at the deep end

    To everyone who answered, thanks a million. I realise that sculpting is a personal activity and there is no one ideal answer. There is still one question, why do people use vaseline or handcream as a smoothing agent? This one has eluded me so far in my searches. As soon as I get some...
  10. M

    In at the deep end

    I had a windfall this week and decided to start putting some sculpting equipment together, with the aim of scratching/converting 1/35 WWII figures. Any help in my next shopping list would be greatly appreciated. MfG Martin
  11. M

    Website Idea

    I am thinking of building a site to cover the different applications of Vallejo Acrylics. The main idea is to have a voluntary database of people's mixes for basecoats, highlights and shadows. Maybe if there is enough interest, I would also add articles on techniques and step by step tutorials...
  12. M

    Alpine German Infantry Kursk

    I'm having a break from the Panzer Commander, so I decided to start this figure again. So far I have laid down the base colours, and will finish the equipment before I move on to the uniform. Comments welcome as usual. MfG Martin
  13. M

    Latest try at Heeres Splittermuster

    Thanks Taesung, its always a pleasure to paint a superbly sculpted and cast fígure. I have added some black lining and started on the basic colours for the jacket. I hope I can do your figure justice with the rest of the painting. MfG Martin
  14. M

    Arnie-Say Hello!

    I will get one of my polish students to translate what I wanted to say tomorrow, but until then... how the hell did you accomplish that? you must be from the new band of hyper realist painters. amazing work. MfG Martin
  15. M

    Latest try at Heeres Splittermuster

    Thanks Gary, it has taken me 3 sessions to block everything in and a couple of repaints to realise that the seams mean something. I never was the best at obvious situations. Anyway, I have added some deeper shadows to the base colours, although my photography doesn't really show it too well...
  16. M

    Latest try at Heeres Splittermuster

    After a week at work which has raised my blood pressure to level's unknown, I sat down today and meditated with the Series 7s. Here are the results of my labours. The bright lining is preparation for the outlining and intended to show wear. Shadows, further highlights and blending will...
  17. M

    applying sheen to skin

    Also the oils from your own skin can give a real natural gloss to the figure's skin. A bit difficult to apply, but free and always available. MfG Martin
  18. M

    vallejo paints

    Not at all. All my figures are completed in several layers of Vallejo paints. I would recommend a 24 hour period between the primer and the first coat of base colours. One of the benefits of acrylics is their fast drying time. So you can work quite quickly on shading and highlights. HTH Martin
  19. M

    Anyone else 'collect' paints?

    Well my love of Hamburg goes further than just Vallejo paints, but since I guess some guys let their kids read these pages, I will just let you imagine what I spend some of my spare cash on. I bet you have a decent collection, if you can get past the head guard at the door. MfG Martin
  20. M

    Anyone else 'collect' paints?

    LOL! I was referring to people's comments about 'what do you spend your money on?' I paint as if I am drunk most days. Worked for some of the old masters, but not me. ;) MfG Martin