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  1. M

    Royal Model Tiger Crew

    Gino, I have been following your inspirational work on a few websites. Thanks for the comments. Martin
  2. M

    Royal Model Tiger Crew

    Guy I'm working on that for my next panzercrew, I just need to get the thinning right. And I also need a suggestion for a colour to darken the Vallejo Camo Pale Violet with. Cheers Martin
  3. M

    Royal Model Tiger Crew

    Here's a close up. I can't physically get any closer with the tripod, so this will have to do for now. Happy modelling Martin
  4. M

    Royal Model Tiger Crew

    Guy, thanks for the comments. My next step will be to add the various bits of kit like headphones/cables and holsters. I have followed Jaume Ortiz's technique. The blending process must be a fine art, and I have many years to practice it I hope. Since I have a good macro on my camera I have...
  5. M

    Royal Model Tiger Crew

    These figures are from the Royal set #232. There are still lots of details to be added, and the figures were painted in Vallejo acrylics. This is my first 'serious' attempt to complete entire figures with this medium. All comments happily received. Happy modelling