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  1. M

    My Latest Work

    Fine work, Jim, colours, shading and contrast looks great. Best regards, Mark
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    Highlander Culloden

    Hello Joe, Jim and Jay! Thank you for your kind comments. I looked some years before I found this figure. Kirin kits are quite hard to get, at least in Germany. The face is entirely painted in enamels over an acrylic undercoat. I will post more pictures during the painting process. Regards, Mark
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    Highlander Culloden

    another pic...
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    Highlander Culloden

    Hello everyone, after a longer absence from painting I just started Mike Goods classic Highlander he sculped for Kirin based on an illustration by the late Rick Scollins. I just started painting the head, only the flesh parts are finished so far. Criticism and comments are welcome. Hope you...
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    "Christus vincit , Christus regnat , Christus impe

    Djoubrim, great work. I really like your style of painting, strong contrast and good volume. Colour value and the treatment of the base also fit perfectly to the rest. Tell some details about your technique please, is it acrylics? Best regards Mark
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    News from Frank-Miniatures

    Hi Frank, very nice work, can't wait to see more pictures. Sieht sehr vielversprechend aus. Auch die Bemalung des Gesichts und des Turbans. Bin gespannt. Best regards Mark
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    Viking Warrior

    Hi Ernesto, beautiful work. You have a really good feeling for the colour values and the balance. I like the strong contrasts, too. Just a technical question: This seems to be a heavy piece, did you use any kind of pinning for the shield and the arms or just gluing? Best regards Mark
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    seaforth highlander

    Hallo Michael, schön Deine Figuren "on the planet" zu sehen. Den Lindbergh durfte ich ja schon in Ingo bewundern. Hätte gern an dem Malwochenende teilgenommen, ging aber leider zeitlich nicht. Could you give some details about the specific colours used. Would be especially interesting how you...
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    54 mm US-Civilwar from Frank-Minaitures

    Hi Frank, nice to meet you on the planet ;) (ich mag die Figur und das Gesicht kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor). For everyone interested in these excellent miniatures have a look at Mark
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    Hi Djoubrim, looks quite nice, interesting pose and a feeling of movement. Please give some details on your way of sculpting, materials, tools etc. As already noted some close-ups would be nice. Can't wait to see it painted. Keep up the good work Mark
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    White Models 90mm Carabinier

    Hello Andreas, outstanding work, the shading looks fine and the overal impression fits with the subject of the figure. As I'm also painting in humbrols, could you give some details about your colour mixes and the painting/ blending technique used on larger surfaces? Best regards Mark
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    Duke of Bavaria Ingolstadt Germany

    Hello Ray, I really enjoyed your demonstration and it was a pleasure to see some of your work in flesh. These were among the best figures in the show, as well as some of the other pieces from Malta. I did't notice that you were some kind of nervous Hope you liked the "German atmosphere" in...
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    Finished Viking

    Thanks Larry and Johan, it's a pleasure for me that you like it. The tip of the standard is from an old Historex standard, slightly modified. Mark
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    Finished Viking

    Thanks guys for the kind words! The figure is almost exclusively painted in Humbrols; the dirt effect on the shield is done with oils the standard is taken from an Angus McBride colour-plate showing King Arthur, but as far as I know the standards were also used in later times and are in fact...
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    Finished Viking

    Thanks Xenofon, really fast reply :) Mark
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    Finished Viking

    pic 3
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    Finished Viking

    pic 2
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    Finished Viking

    Happy Easter to everyone! I finished the Latorre Viking today and add some pics. I'm looking forward to any comments. Best regards Mark
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    Latorre viking

    Hello, thanks again for the encouraging comments. Gino, I was very happy to get a medal at the Antwerpen show and I hope to be there in person next year. I'm glad to hear you like my painting. But there is still a long way to go for me and I try to improve with each new project. Hope to meet...
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    Latorre viking

    Thanks for the kind comments, hope to finish it soon. I'm not yet sure what to give him to hold in the right hand. I don't like to use the sword supplied with the kit. Guy, you are right, the photos came out a bit on the dark side. Keith and Dave, I almost exclusively used Humbrols on that...