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  1. M

    Latorre viking

    pic 3
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    Latorre viking

    pic 2
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    Latorre viking

    pic 2
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    Latorre viking

    Sorry, I have problems with posting the other pictures and will try it another time.
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    Latorre viking

    pic 1
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    Latorre viking

    Here are some in-progress shots of my current project, the Latorre viking. Hope you like it, comments are welcome. Mark
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    Best of Show for Marijn van Gils

    Marjin, my congratulations, hope to see the vignette "in flesh" some day. Are you going to write an article about the piece? Would be interesting to learn something about your sculpting technique in detail. Best regards, Mark
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    Marijn's WWI vignette

    Hello Marijn, lovely work, can't wait to see it finished. How did you do the suble dirt effects on the sleeves and what kind of putty is it for the "beige" parts. I guess there will be a lot of mud for the groundwork and on the lower parts of the clothing - will be interesting to see how you...
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    Garde Mobile, 1870: My Latest Figure

    Wonderful figure, once again, thanks for the pics! Best regards Mark
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    Red Baron

    Thank you all for the encouraging comments! Guy, that`s right, it's a 54mm Pegaso figure sculped by Andrea Jula and was originally edited for as a special piece for the Ingolstadt Show . Patrick, the figure is almost exclusively done in Humbrol, some of the smaller parts are pure acrylic. The...
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    Painting with Enamels

    Hello Gareth, the description in Bill Horan's Modelling Masterclass (his older book) of painting in enamels is fine. He also did a great article about the Gandamak diorama in Military Modelling (quite old, around 1989). Mike Good had an article in the German Modellfan in 1996, so I think there...
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    Red Baron

    rear view
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    Red Baron

    another pic
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    Red Baron

    Hello everyone! Here are some pics of a figure I painted some years ago. It's more a fun project, the red RED BARON. Comments are welcome! Mark
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    Hi Marijn, one of the most original ideas I have ever seen as a figure. I'm really curious on how your "pointilistic" approach might look. Regards Mark
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    Sculpting & Painting a Prussian Jager

    Hello Bill, beautiful work and thanks for the sbs, better than most magazine articles. Could you give a few details about your green mix, especially the highlightning tone? It's nice to see you go deeper and deeper into 19th German uniforms. There are many "uniform freaks" in Germany who count...
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    Tiger Zuave

    Hello Robert, Costas and Wong, thank you very much for your kind words. Getting this kind of feedback is what keeps me trying to improve makes the fun of the hobby :) Linda, you are completely right in that some effects are quite difficult to achieve with Humbrol. I needed many unsuccessful...
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    Tiger Zuave

    ...sorry, forgot to log in
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    Tiger Zuave

    another picture
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    Tiger Zuave

    more picture