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  1. M

    Tiger Zuave

    Hello everyone, I just want to present one of my latest figure. A slight conversion from an older Latorre figure. Any comments are highly appreciated. Mark
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    Happy Birthday Bill

    Happy Birthday and best wishes from Germany! Mark
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    Questions for Bill Horan

    Hello Bill, could you tell something about how you do actually apply the putty to a figure. Do you use a special tool or the fingers? Do you roll out the stuff or just press it to the surface? Is there any kind of lubricant you use to smooth the putty out before adding folds? I know, these are...
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    Latest project: Victorian infantry

    Hi Marijn, I'm really happy about the feedback. You may be right about the brickwork, this is a very interesting aspect. I must admit not having gone so deep into it during my research. Actually painting a self-sculped figure makes much more fun than just painting stock figures, so that I...
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    Latest project: Victorian infantry

    Thanks for the nice comments! Matthew: My knowledge on the Victorian era is still quite limited, so that there might be some inaccuracies. Keith: I'll post another pic with a front view of the face (it is a slightly modified hornet head) Steven: I never had a possibility to see "Gandamak" in...
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    Latest project: Victorian infantry

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    Latest project: Victorian infantry

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    Latest project: Victorian infantry

    Hi everybody, above I would like to express my sincerest thoughts for all the people affected by the tsunami in South Asia. I finished painting my first major conversion/ scratchbuilt figure today. Subject and pose are inspired by an old article of Bill Horan about the Gandamak diorama. The...
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    US-marine Vietnam

    ...sorry I still didn't get it with the picture size
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    US-marine Vietnam

    Hello everybody, her is just another one of my recent figures. Merry Christmas and best regards! Mark
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    Swiss hornblower

    Thanks to everybody for the nice comments on my figure! It's a pleasure for me to participate on the planet. I don't mind any criticism either. As I hardly get in touch with any painters outside Germany this feedback is the only way for me to improve. The figure is almost exclusively painted...
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    Swiss hornblower

    Hello Guy, thanks for your kind words. I have watched the Planet for some time and it really is a great site. So I thought it would be time for posting something myself. Best regards Mark
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    Swiss hornblower

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    Swiss hornblower

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    Swiss hornblower

    Hi to all! I'm quite new to the forum and I would like to contribute for the first time by presenting my latest figure of a Swiss hornblower (Elite). Any comments would be highly appreciated. Mark (hope it works with uploading the image)
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    Questions for Bill Horan

    Thanks Bill for your detailed explanations and the inspiration. Mark
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    Questions for Bill Horan

    Hello Bill, thanks a lot for sharing your work on the internet. As always simply amazing. Just one more question regarding your painting: Humbrol changed the formula of their paints some years ago and I used to have a lot of trouble with covering power etc. How do manage to overcome those...