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  1. Soldaten6

    Admiral Franklin Buchanan. 1:10

    Andrey, Beautiful work and excellent likeness. If you are making copies for sale I would like to purchase one. R/ Bob
  2. Soldaten6

    milmartminiatures new website

    Great site and great figures! Now I have to start working on convincing SWMBO that I really do need more figures! Best of luck! Bob
  3. Soldaten6

    Completed "monty" (1:16 scale)

    Beautiful work! I cannot wait to see this on the market!
  4. Soldaten6

    Ncmss 50th anniversary figure

    This year will mark the 50<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the National Capital Model Soldiers Society Show (The Washington Show) and to commemorate the event the club has commissioned Alan Ball to sculpt a 75mm figure of (then) COL George Washington, as he appeared in the Braddock Campaign. The...
  5. Soldaten6

    Tang Dynasty General of China-April new release from Linjo Models

    "Maybe you would like to buy our products directly from us or our distributors in UK or USA." Mei Zi Who is your US distributor? Thanks, Bob <!-- / message -->
  6. Soldaten6

    For Sale Pre-Wonderfest SALE!

    Re: Pre-Wonderfest Sale Jay, I am interested in the F.M. Beneito Conquistador bust and the Siskin Miniatures Grenadier bust. Let me know what the shipping is to Virginia 20124 and I will execute a PayPal transaction. THX Bob
  7. Soldaten6

    Figurines magazine

    Anyone have information regarding subscription costs and is there a current website? THX Bob Petrillo
  8. Soldaten6

    storing oils

    I use the freezer for storing my oils. I also use a tupperware container but turn it upside down and use the lid as a backing for my palette. I tape squares of palette paper to the lid, mix my colors and, when done for the night, snap what was the bottom (and is now the top) of the container...