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  1. E

    dml-ist army-1945

    Not sure I understand entirely. But it's up to you if you want to paint it or not. If your references support using the figure for your project, then go for it. If not, then don't. But still paint the figure if you want to, if for nothing more than practice.
  2. E

    What happend to Planetarmour?

    Just remember, it's, and not .com. That was an interesting surprise. ;)
  3. E

    Identify this figure please

    Warriors 1/9 scale, I believe. They have a nice series of German busts in this size.
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    Romeo news

    I don't know about the Confederate, but I really like that knight!
  5. E

    120mm WW1 German Machinegunner

    Nice work, that face is excellent!
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    Sturmfuhrer 200mm ready

    Pics are gone now, but I saw them earlier and meant to comment then. Very nice job on this big guy, and SS troops are a favorite subject of mine. That base is sweet too! Mirage figure right, I really want to get my hands on their SS officer in motorcycle coat, he's the one lighting up a smoke.
  7. E


    Personally, I like the confederate the best. Another one to add to the list ;) . And that redcoat is good too, just not my period. Gary raised some good points with his post. Personally, I think the Latorre figures just look a little boring, and that Spanish American war guy is just weird...
  8. E

    S. SS Pz. Abt. 101

    Looks great Laurent! is this Bobby Woll? I'll be adding it to my wish list. By the way, have you ever considered doing more SS personalities? I'd love to see Kurt Meyer, Jochen Peiper, and Max Wunsche. And of course Micheal Wittmann, that old Kirin kit I want is getting hard to find!
  9. E

    max wunche bust

    Looks pretty good so far. Looking at my copy of Platz der Leibstandarte, it looks pretty close to the pics of Wunsche. One comment, the tip of his nose looks a little off. It seems to curve down to point on your bust, while in reality it's more straight if you know what I mean. If you have...
  10. E

    New release from

    Hmm, prepainted figures aren't really my thing, but I give you my compliments on that Dragoon. If that was a kit, then I would surely be interested.
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    Does Dragon's Halftrack crew actually

    I remember several posts on this topic around the internet. I seem to remember Ron Volstad saying that the halftrack crew was designed for Dragon's series of sdkfz 250 halftracks, some time before the 251s were planned. So they don't fit well with the 251s. I think what threw people off is...
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    The future is so bright....

    From dragon models USA: Features: - Hands and feet are molded separately – hands slip into hollow cuffs - Slide-molded shoes with patterned soles and detailed uppers - breathtaking detail never seen before in 1/35 scale - Collar area has separate parts for multi-layer and overhang effects -...
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    Russian technique for painting figures.

    Yeah, sure that would be interesting to see how they do it. But I have also heard that there is more than one person involved in these pieces, and I don't know how much I could get out of sbs from them. Personally, I'd rather be able to paint like Jaume Ortiz or Calvin Tan. ;)
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    Vallejo doesnt seem to like me?:(

    Nothing more exciting than watching paint dry huh? :lol: Just kidding, that's a good tip and i'll try it out myself.
  15. E

    Alpine - new driver figure for SdKfz 251

    Awesome! Just what I needed, a driver for 251s! And Clavin did a great job painting it too!
  16. E

    historex quality?

    Check out Shep Paine's book on painting figures. There is a whole chapter devoted to historex, and more on modifying and detailing them. Lots of pics of beautiful work using Historex figures too!
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    Looks great Joe! Excellent job painting. And Jim Maddox is certainly a great sculptor. I'm working on his Confederate Vampire, unfortunately its stalled because of a whole bunch of clean up I don't fell like doing right now. Not much of a fan of Spike, but if he did an Angel bust I'd get...
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    English knight - Agincourt (200mm)

    Looks great! It will look even better when painted I'm sure.
  19. E

    Newbie says HELLO!!!

    Warriors SS bust? Very nice job! I love the snow effect. For pics, I take photos on a digi camera, then upload them to photobucket for posting them here. Welcome to the planet by the way!
  20. E

    try out

    Hey, that sounds pretty cool! See about getting a vbench set up so we can watch your progress.