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  1. E

    First attempt at a conversion

    Thanks for the responses guys. I think I'll go ahead and start this project pretty soon. Kenneth, good idea about using just a plastic torso and pelvis with wire. I seem to remember this is what Luc Klinkers does, I have a SBS by him somewhere on how he did a Marder III crew. Are the Worster...
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    First attempt at a conversion

    Hi guys, I've decided to attempt a conversion of some Dragon figures. I've done the usual minor stuff in the past, Hornet heads, new hands, weapons, stuff like that. But this will probably be more of an effort. I am planning to pretty much resculpt entire figures with Magicsculp. My plan...
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    Wounded German Officer

    Here's a pic of the head I started painting. Just a start, have to move on to highlights and shadows.
  4. E

    Happy Birthday, Joe & Stephen!

    Hope you guys had a good one!
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    guide to painting ss oakleaf pattern

    Check out Jaume Ortiz's new figure on his v-bench. Excellent job of painting fall oak leaf. Personally, I would start with a brown color as the base, then add in the camo. I find it helps to look at photos of the real thing as to get an understanding of the pattern, and have pics handy while...
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    Happy birthday Guy

    Have a good one man!
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    MIG MIniatures

    Looks nice. Is that a leather U-boat jacket he's wearing?
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    Roll Call Kit Needed

    Reminds of an experience I had with ebay once. When will people figure out that it is NOT smart to throw $100 worth of loose resin parts in plastic bag, then throw it in a box? Needless to say, I was not impressed (Fortunately the damage can be repaired). I do appreciate you taking the...
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    20th Georgia Infantry, Gettysburg 1863

    Looking great so far Gary. Always a pleasure to watch you create your little people!
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    SS Infantryman Late war

    It's looking great so far. If I may ask, what did you use for the fall oak camo?
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    Boston - baseball game

    WE and the Red Sox? Sounds like a great time man. I was thinking the same thing when I saw it was in Boston, but unfortunately, I can't attend WE. Enjoy the game!
  12. E

    Looking for 120mm figure

    Check the clearance sale on ebay message posted by Guy. I believe there is a figure being offered that might do.
  13. E

    Fort Duqesne 120mm

    Sorry, but I'm pretty sure Colorado Miniatures does not have it.
  14. E

    SS Infantryman Late war

    This will look great when he's painted. He's from the Wiking set right? Apart from the head, did you do any modification or additional detailing to the figure?
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    Wounded German Officer

    Well I started work on this one too. I laid down the base for the breeches and boots with vallejos. Boots are black and a bit of flesh, breeches are a mixture of sunny skintone, german uniform, and german field grey.
  16. E

    OIF Tanker

    Wow, fantastic job!
  17. E

    Max Wunsche

    Interesting. No offense meant to Jim Maddox, it's certainly a great job. Just going by what the box says . Thanks for clarifying. ;)
  18. E

    Painting rank insignia

    Thanks for the response guys. I'll check out the Verlinden decals, and look into HA. As for Archer, those are some great transfers, but 1/35. They will come in handy in the future however.
  19. E

    Max Wunsche

    First, a wartime portrait of Wunsche. Brian Stewart has done an excellent job in capturing his likeness in the resin. And another one: I started painting the face this afternoon with Vallejo acrylics. I am using Anders' SBS on eyes as a guide on this one. Colors used are mixes of...
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    S2K Bust any info

    Is this the company also known as Sovereign 2000? Historex agents carries some of their stuff, but not this particular piece. I think they may be out of business, as their website is no longer there. Don't you just hate it when you find something cool, then find out it is no longer available...