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  1. E

    Painting rank insignia

    My latest figure is Obersturmbannfuhrer Max Wunsche, who happens to be wearing a camo jacket. In this case, the usual SS rank insignia is not present, with the camo uniform insignia in it's place. This is a single badge on the sleeve, consisting of green bars and leaves on a black background...
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    Max Wunsche

    Just got this one, Max Wunsche, Warriors 120mm figure. Quite nice, but there are some air bubbles and seams that will have to be taken care of. I hope to start on the cap and face soon.
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    Lt. Gen. Mikhail Skoboleff

    Looks great so far. That guy sure had quite the beard. I look forward to seeing more.
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    German panzer uni

    Sorry, but I'd have to rule pea trousers out if he's not SS.
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    German panzer uni

    I see from the pics that your tanker is Army, which would rule out SS camo patterns. However, as far as I know, the Army, unlike Waffen SS, did not have a "official" camo panzer uniform. There were some trousers made from Italian camo matterial, maybe spliner and sumpfmuster are also possible...
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    Rookie seeking advise.....

    Here is a mix for Vallejos from Colorado Miniatures website.
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    Call the fire brigade!

    What a horrible thought :o , but if it ever happened I would save the following. The first two are not really anything rare or super expensive, they just happen to be my favorites. 1. Warriors SS officer in dress uniform 120 mm 2. Jaguar Hauptmann German Cavalry 1944, 120 mm (both by Brian...
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    Looks great so far. I like the idea of a Roman looking Lucifer. I look forward to seeing your progress.
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    Wounded German Officer

    Thanks Rob. I should start painting him soon.
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    Wounded German Officer

    Here's a better pic:
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    WW2 Model Maker

    OK, it works now. Strange...
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    WW2 Model Maker

    Any of you guys visit WW2MM? It seems that the address is now a cheap posters store or something. Strange. I apologize if this is off topic, please delete if it is. Just thought I would see if anyone else had this problem.
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    Wounded German Officer

    Here are some pics of a figure I got today, Jaguar's German Cavalry officer. A real beautiful kit, sculpted by Brian Stewart. I don't know why Jaguar only shows the rear of this figure in the ads, as it looks great from the front. I am thinking I will do a little conversion work to make him...
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    Mr Surfacer 1000 as primer

    Thank you guys. I'll go ahead and use it on this one, and in the future I'll try some of the techniques Keith mentioned.
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    Mr Surfacer 1000 as primer

    Hi guys, I have heard of people using Gunze Sangyo MS as primer. However, they have used the finer 1200, and the hobby shop only had 1000. Has anyone tried this before, or does any one have useful tips? Don't want to screw up the figure I'm working on.
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    Hospitaller Grand Master

    Great work on the figure. And the base is great too!
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    Two convesions of Warrior bust

    Great work! Amazing to see such figures come from busts. I assume the legs and arms and such were scratch built? Very good work on the camo too!
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    Painting Andrea WWI Bust

    Looks awesome Anders. The addition of the great coat really makes him look like he's cold, wet, and miserable in some horrible trench somewhere. Great job.
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    Andrea Vietnam bust +

    Looks great!
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    U.S. Tanker WWII

    Man, that's awesome. Those eyes really bring this guy to life. And I love the pack of Luckies (my personal favorite :lol: )