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  1. artur_koszewski


    Great news Evgeny! I missed it when it was available from Authorsculpt and than I have been looking for it for a long time with no success. My prays have been listened :) Any chance that Mercury-Models will release these two figures sculpted by Sergey: 1) Old Russian Warrior XIV century...
  2. artur_koszewski

    Vallejo hand painted Card

    Bought mine (for Model Color and for Game Color paint series) from UK eBay seller creativemodelsltd in April 2014. I don't see they are listing these charts now but maybe it is wort to drop them a line. The product reference numbers are: VALCC970 - for Model Color chart VALCC972 - for Game...
  3. artur_koszewski

    Urgent help needed with Vallejo Model Air

    Simon, As the guys before me wrote - the paint is too thick, should be a milk like consistency. To dilute it you can use Vallejo thinner dedicated for airbrushing - it already contains a retarder, so no additional is necessary. It is called "Airbrush thinner" and the product code for 60ml...
  4. artur_koszewski

    Great service I received from Darkstar Miniatures

    Dear Planetters, I wish to tell you about a great customer service I received from Darkstar Miniatures. In June 2014 I bought from this company their “Mounted Templar Knight” figure. When it arrived on me, I gave the kit parts a quick look and then put the kit into the stash. In December 2014...
  5. artur_koszewski

    News New Jeff Shiu's Miniatures figures JS120040 - Waffen SS 1941 East front.

    Fully agree with previous opinions. It is the next time when Jeff proved that he is a master in 1/16 WW2 Germans subject. My one small complaint concerns the MG34 gunner. When comparing him to the second figure, in my opinion he looks too static and to calm. Of course it depends how you...
  6. artur_koszewski

    Kits for sale

    Hi All, The figures I ordered from Pete arrived quickly and in a perfect shape. It's been the next smooth transaction with him and as always I received top rate service - good communication, quick dispatch and good protection for the transport. Thank you a lot Pete! Artur
  7. artur_koszewski

    Awesome bust - looking for more info about it

    With my luck it is for sure :) Jamie, Ron - many thanks for your input guys. Cheers, Artur
  8. artur_koszewski

    Awesome bust - looking for more info about it

    Hi Jamie, Many thanks for info. As for the availability - I read user comments on Putty and Paint and there is the author's reply "this miniature its only for collectors and I won’t make casting sorry". A real pity :cry: Cheers, Artur
  9. artur_koszewski

    Awesome bust - looking for more info about it

    Found this one in Monte Savino show report. Does anyone know anything more about this bust - sculptor, painter, commercial availability?
  10. artur_koszewski

    German SS panzer oficer 1\10 bust boxart for Young miniatures

    Kirill is very modest guy as he did not tell you that he won with this bust the first prize at Hussar 2014 last weekend. Hussar is a miniature painters event and competition held in Warsaw - Poland - Perfect job man! I saw it in real and it impresses even more than at photos...
  11. artur_koszewski

    For Sale FOR SALE!

    Thanks for info Giuseppe. Although this is a lovely figure, missing it is not a big issue - it seems that I already have in my grey army more crusaders than were present during the siege of Jerusalem in XI century :) All the best mate.
  12. artur_koszewski

    For Sale FOR SALE!

    Hi Giuseppe, Is "Pegaso Models 90-913 St.John Order knight" still available? I sent you a PM regarding this one.
  13. artur_koszewski

    Figure identifying help needed

    Hi Mark, I have no doubts that he's recaster and I'm not going to support him by buying from him. I like this figure, so I'm looking for an info about company which releases (or released) it to buy an original version of it.
  14. artur_koszewski

    Reduced! 60% of Knight Models

    Thanks for info Mike - I already used it :)
  15. artur_koszewski

    Figure identifying help needed

    Hi Brad, This particular seller is from Hungary.
  16. artur_koszewski

    Figure identifying help needed

    Hi Planetters, I found this figure on eBay, but I'm sure it's a recast copy - it has no box plus the seller offers other figures copied from Young Miniatures, Pegaso, etc... I like this German Pioneer a lot and because of that I wish to ask for your help with identifying the original...
  17. artur_koszewski

    The German Tank Aces:what busts are available???

    Chris, There is also a Max Wunsche bust (including Panther tank cupola) from Young Miniatures in 1/10 scale - Artur
  18. artur_koszewski

    American Indian / Viking figures for sale

    My parcels also arrived quick and in a perfect shape. All figures (6 pieces total ) are exactly as Stan described - complete, unstarted, in new like condition. Thank you Stan - you are 100% reliable guy. Artur
  19. artur_koszewski

    Two gorgeous figures

    Thank you all guys for your answers. It's a real pity when nice figures like those remain unreleased :( But maybe a one day they will see a daylight ... Zane - I already have "Bufallo hunter" which is an overall beautiful figure (both sculpting and casting), but still looking for "Trapper"...
  20. artur_koszewski

    Two gorgeous figures

    Thanks for info Richard - do you remember the auction title maybe?