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  1. David Hernanz

    Manhès - ADC to Murat

    Very nice face Paul. congratulations.
  2. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Jacobite Highlander

    Fantastico Mao, I like too much the skins tones. Complimenti !!! David
  3. David Hernanz

    WIP Afghan Tribesman 1842

    Enhorabuena Ernesto, me parece francamente impresionante el trabajo del turbante y la piel del abrigo... Saludos
  4. David Hernanz

    WIP Zouave franco prussian war

    Hi guys, after a small problem of vision with my left eye that has made me stop two weeks, right now I starting to paint again the figure, this is the result. I hope that you should like cheers !!
  5. David Hernanz

    WIP Zouave franco prussian war

    Hi ! Thanks everybody for your feedback!! Dmitri, It is indeed an tirailleur argeline, This units, "les turcos" belonged to the zouaves of the ligne et de la Garde who had three regiments, differentiated by the colour of the Turban red (Argel) or white (Oran). Regards!!
  6. David Hernanz

    WIP Zouave franco prussian war

    Hi guys, This period and the Zouaves are also my favorite era, but the figure won't be commercial unfortunately. Thanks for comments !! Cheers.
  7. David Hernanz

    WIP Zouave franco prussian war

    Hi folks !!! Now I start a new project on this plate of a French zouave of the war franco Prussian. I have done the ground with plaster and feroca. The figure is an original modelled by Antonio Messeguer, modeling is certainly extraordinary. I hope like you!
  8. David Hernanz

    Completed Critique Norman knight -Altavilla dinasty

    Ciao Mao !! Another great work in this bust. Regards David
  9. David Hernanz

    Completed Critique "Soviet Officer" (1/10, TBG Miniatures)

    Absolutly superb !!! Fantastic paint work and fantastic model Regards David
  10. David Hernanz

    Completed Grenadier Guards Officer Crimea 1854

    Very nice work Ernesto. I think it's amazing !!!! Regards David
  11. David Hernanz


    Awesome !!! The red colour is very nice, and rest of work is also fantastic !! Congratulations David
  12. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Thanks a lot friend Vaux! but please! Don't lead us jajaja.... Regards !!
  13. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Pedro, Zeno, thanks a lot for your feedback !!! Regards. David
  14. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    All comments and critiques are always welcome !!
  15. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Hi folks !!! Today I have finished this iberian warrior. I hope you like this !!! It's a very very good figure for painting.
  16. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Thanks a lot folks !! I hope finish in this week the rest of work, hands, falcata sword and shield. Many thanks for comments. Regards
  17. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Continued working on the figure, legs "I think" that they are finished, when finished the protections may make some correction.all the feedback are welcome !!
  18. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique Iberian warrior 75mm pegaso models

    Hi folks ! Thanks a lot for your comments. This weekend I work over the legs, lights and first shade. Cheers !!
  19. David Hernanz

    WIP Critique GI BAR Gunner - Alpine Miniatures - 1/16

    Amazing start Adrian !!! Very nice work in the face. I look forward to more progress! David
  20. David Hernanz

    Completed GALLO BOI 75mm

    Superb !! The trousers are incredible Complimenti !!! David