Have you tried the Osprey book on the North West Frontier. It has some plates with Poshteen's in it. If you have not got it email me and i'll scan them in for you.
I have to admit i don't have a grey army. SWMBO will not let met. I have got about 30 figures from before I met here but since then she keeps a tight reign on me. As for AFV's and Aircraft I tend to build them as and when i fancy. I have to admit by not letting me buy I have got more room for...
I know it is a few months away but for a show like this it needs planning. So who is going. I am finally after a 6 year sabbatical!! Only cos SWMBO is off the the Reading Festival :lol:
Roger, I work on a coffee table as I have to share the study with my wife. Suppose thats the problem with us both studying. I dream of the day when i can have my own modelling room, but that would also mean giving SWMBO a music room too. :o
Ross :)
This is deplorable. I also noticed one of the figure was Latorre's.
People like this should be caught and castrated. This hobby is hard enough for the manufacturers' without some idiot trying to rip them off.
Ross :angry:
This is one my latest projects. Roy kindly cast one off for me. If memory serves me right Roy sculpted it about 4 - 5 years ago. It's superb. It is based on this illustration from the Osprey book on the White armies of the Russian Civil War.
This is what i have done so far.
I know the phot...
Cheers Rob.
I just emailed them actually and got a very quick reply which is great. Apparently they do not have an importer yet but will let me know when they do.
Ross :)
I have to admit being a poor student :lol: the opputunity to get to the odd show and meet up with old mates is really good and also meet up with new guys I have met here on Pf like Rob, Callum and Dave. All of whom I would not have met without this forum.
Rob - You do not know the trials...