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  1. Tim Stevens

    Revised reading list......

    What about this one to join the collection? Tim (aka Wellington Boot)
  2. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Think I have reached the end with this. Need to sort a base etc, but the construction and painting stages are essentially over. This will now be set to one side to settle, and revisited in a few weeks with a refreshed eye to sort out any problems. I have...
  3. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    More slow progress, Need to sort that aigulette. Keep on squashing it ! Had to do some work with the right hand which resulted in a strip & repaint. Small detail work continues, medal done. Looking to get the right hand finally fixed this week, so that I can get the slings in place...
  4. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Quick update. Left hand fixed, right hand "tacked" in place so that I can work out any adjustments required. Scabbard etc got some colour, sword slings in progress. That means construction close to the finish, then just need to pull it all together with the hairy brush. More...
  5. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Many thanks for the comments and support. More small progress. Mocked up the sword arrangement, small adjustments required but not bad. Next up aigulette (?) Only undercoated at present. Not to bad - Looks like a little work required on the right eye. Looking a little square me...
  6. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Thanks to all for the comments. Helps to keep the mojo bubbling. Ron, many thanks for the input and picture. Have added and will provide picture update in due course. Tim
  7. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Plucked up the courage so now we have a face. Sort of. Really pleased with the eyes. However, still having a struggle with the flesh tones. Can't seem to get away from a pale tone at present. The photos just seem to highlight this as they tend to wash out, brighten everything. For...
  8. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Progress is slow, work and life in the way! However, a small update. As ever all comments welcome, and hopefully more soon. Tim
  9. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    I've not had much bench time recently, but a little more has been done. Main addition - his head is now in place. As ever all comments welcome. Tim
  10. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Billy, "Nice clean paint job............." and that is how most of my work remains. Never can bring myself to mucky things up after all that effort. View him as pre-fight not post! Graham & Huw, I presume the tips \ palette refered to are in relation to the aigulette and...
  11. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Thank's for the input one and all. Small update time. Arms on and detail work started, some base coated others close to finish. Excuse the shinny look - sun was out - not as glossy in real life! All comments welcome, and more soon. Tim
  12. Tim Stevens

    Capt MERCER . RHA. 1815 MMM 200mm

    Mick, Got this one in my sights at the moment, just hope SWMBO aint looking through the same sights ;) Will follow with interest. Mike, Was at the same show, and I am fairly sure that the base came from Sovereign 2K. Cast in resin I think. Tim
  13. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Piotrec, Colin, Smudger, Mat, Jeff, Marc & Dan - Thanks for the comments \ support. I will try to take a little more confidence from your postings and, hopefully, post a lot more in the future. Nap, Thanks for the mention of CGS and posting the recent box art picture. Only...
  14. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Mike, Thanks. Never been one to paint outside the lines, a throw back to painting by numbers! ;) Dan, Reference illustrations - apart from the painting guide as supplied (in word, not pictures) I have used L & F Funcken's book Arms & Uniforms, The Napoleonic Wars part 2 and a picture...
  15. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique Officer "Empress Dragoon" 1815

    Good evening, Never seem to pluck up enough courage to post on the site despite visiting nearly every day to learn and find inspiration. This is one that I picked up at Euro last year and felt it was time to share. This has been painted with a combination of Vallejo and Jo Sonja's...
  16. Tim Stevens

    Officer.Royal Fusiliers 1811.

    Ralph, Nice to see another one of these showcased. I had expected to see quite a few of these after it was released but I seem to recall the bust might have been more popular. When it came out I took the plunge and I must say it required a lot of work to push it over the finish line...
  17. Tim Stevens

    WIP The 92-nd Gordon Highlanders Waterloo 1815

    Good evening Nick, Did this one some time ago and would like to confirm that the colour on the inside of the collar is indeed red as supported in C E Franklin's book " British Napoleonic Uniforms " Not sure mine is up to your standard but here is a shot of my rendition, Regards, Tim
  18. Tim Stevens

    WIP Critique 200mm Royal Fusiliers (plus Legs)

    Keith, I have been following this with interest, having completed the subsequent full figure myself. With regards to the Belgic Shako, this was introduced in about 1812 according to my references and therefore is not suitable for the Officer, as he is dressed in the Long Tailcoat that dates...
  19. Tim Stevens

    Oh The Choices

    Taff, Not sure it will add much to the decision process, but I went with buff, 52nd and this is what it turned out like. Hope this helps Tim
  20. Tim Stevens

    Completed Sgt Hakeswill Bust From The Basement

    Good evening, Thanks for the comments gents. Never sure if what I have done is realistic\ convincing or what, so any feedback is welcome. I must admit one of the hardest part for me was the shaved head effect, I thought it was ok, so thank you for the positive comments. :) As for the...