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  1. R

    Taking a step back...

    Hey Patrick, You should take note of what it says above the 5 blue squares in your profile “Valued Contributor”. I think that sums up your participation in a nutshell. so in any case, don’t let the door hit you in the @#@# ((sorry the devil made me do it. :o
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    Matt problem

    I use the same thing that Jaume uses, the Tamiya Flat Base. I just add a drop or two. If you add too much, sometimes the paint will dry with a white haze to it. It will matte out any of the Vallejo colors. I’ve also found that by adding this to the paint, it helps with improving the coverage...
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    Bomber Crewman

    I agree with Petey, the leather is outstanding. Care to share your technique?
  4. R

    SCAHMS Photos

    Okay, here's a few photos from the show.
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    SCAHMS Anyone??

    Yes you will Bob.
  6. R

    SCAHMS Anyone??

    You in a zoot suit, that should be a sight to see........... :o
  7. R

    Dirty Harry

    Splendid brush work Walt.
  8. R


    Thanks for posting that John. Looks to be a very nice figure. Roger
  9. R

    Need pics of WWI German Greatcoat

    I scanned several images for you. Send me your e-mail address and I'll send them off.
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    Karl XII of Sweden

    Very nice work Gary, he turned out great.
  11. R

    I would like to buy Coree figures
  12. R

    New Guy on the Block...

    Welcome aboard. Very nice work and web site. take care, Roger
  13. R

    Happy Birthday Johan

    Louie, ;)
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    Most difficult color.

    White and black. I've got several mixes from different people in the hobby. They work for them, but never for me.
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    Happy Birthday Johan

  16. R

    OIF figures from Warriors - Update

    Matt, Painting camo is easy, you just have to take that first step right after you find some good reference photos. It's all a state of mind. Right now, I've got three busts on the workbench that have camo uniforms and a 4th bust that needs a camo paint job on the way in the mail. I'm going...
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    The Fusilier RFC Observer

    It might be easier to drop The Fusilier an e-mail explaining the situation than to find someone to trade parts.
  18. R

    WWI Trench Section

    Thanks Lou, but when it comes to neat and tidy, I think you got me beat hands down. Send me a base and I'll build you one.
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    WWI Trench Section

    Thanks for the words of encouragement Gary. My New Year’s resolution was to finish all the half-finished projects on my workbench. Hopefully in a couple of months I’ll be done with those and then I can finish off the trench section with figure.
  20. R

    WWI Trench Section

    Petey, As a matter of fact I did, it makes a great paperweight on my workbench.