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  1. Alexander Zelenkov

    Hot News from Stalingrad

    Dear Friends, Now new 1/35 figures from Stalingrad are available: # 3701 - The Beach Girl # 3702 - The Beach Girl # 3703 - The Beach Girl # 3704 - The Beach Girl Boxarts by Kirill Kanaev Also you can visit Stalingrad site:
  2. Alexander Zelenkov

    Winter news from Stalingrad

    Hello, New figures from Stalingrad now are available: # 3130 – The Dinner, Eastern Front 1941-44 # 3131 – German Soldier # 3132 – German Soldier # 3133 – German Soldier # 3134 – German Soldier # 3135 – Russian Children More photos you can see on Stalingrad site...
  3. Alexander Zelenkov

    New figures and brushes from Stalingrad

    Hello, New figures from Stalingrad now are available: # 3120 – After a Battle, 5 figures # 3121 – Fallen German Soldier # 3122 – Fallen German Soldiers # 3123 – Russian Soldier # 3124 – Russian Soldier More photos you can see on Stalingrad site: Also I...
  4. Alexander Zelenkov

    European Refugees

    I think it is impossible. Fashion style is so bright from WWII era. May be only elderly lady can be used for WWI, but this style seems from 1920's.
  5. Alexander Zelenkov

    European Refugees

    Dear friends, Now new 1/35 figures from Stalingrad are available: # 3110 European Refugees, WWII Big Set # 3111 Woman and Child, WWII # 3112 European Refugee Woman, WWII # 3113 European Refugee Man,WWII # 3114 Refugees With Baby Carriage, WWII # 3115 Elderly Lady, WWII # 3116 Refugee Girl,WWII...
  6. Alexander Zelenkov

    Germans WWI from Stalingrad

    Dear Friends, Now new figures from Stalingrad are available: # 1110 German Tank Crew, WWI Big Set 5 figures # 1111 German Soldier, WWI # 1112 German Soldier, WWI # 1113 German Soldier, WWI # 1114 German Tank Crewman, WWI # 1115 German Officer, WWI More photos you can see on Stalingrad site...
  7. Alexander Zelenkov

    1/48 from Stalingrad

    32-35 мм, у них разный рост. ------ Heights of figures are 32-35 mm to eyes. It is various for different figures.
  8. Alexander Zelenkov

    1/48 from Stalingrad

    It's not neсessary to post same images from my site. Yes, photos for box art I took from 1/35 figures. But 1/35 and 1/48 figures are the same. Just a downscale.
  9. Alexander Zelenkov

    1/48 from Stalingrad

    Hi to all, Now are available new 1/48 figures from Stalingrad: # 4801 Russian Tankers # 4802 German POWs # 4803 Russian Officers # 4804 German Infantrymen You can visited Stalingrad site: All figures have downsized from 1/35.
  10. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Infantry from Stalingrad

    Dear friends, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3100 Russian Infantrymen, Kursk 1943 Big Set 10 figures + Maxim MG # 3101 Russian Infantryman, Kursk # 3102 Russian Infantryman, Kursk # 3103 Russian Infantryman, Kursk # 3104 Russian Officer, Kursk # 3105 Russian Infantryman, Kursk...
  11. Alexander Zelenkov

    2dreamers - New Bust 1/9 - Space Adventurer 1

    Yeah! I know this guy! Great work! (y)
  12. Alexander Zelenkov

    'Brief Lunch' 1/35

    Hi Kenneth, Thanks! I sell directly only wholesale orders. You can order my figures in any e-shops from list on Stalingrad site (on left):
  13. Alexander Zelenkov

    'Brief Lunch' 1/35

    Hi all! Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3090 - German AFV crewmen, big set # 3091 - German AFV crewman # 3092 - German AFV crewman # 3093 - German AFV crewman # 3094 - German AFV crewman # 3095 - German AFV crewman More photos you can see on Stalingrad site...
  14. Alexander Zelenkov

    Completed Russian Girl complete

    Very nice work! It's pleasant for me to watch such fine painting of these figures! Can I publish this work on Stalingrad web-site?
  15. Alexander Zelenkov

    European civilians, WWII 1/35

    Thank you! Yes, this figures will be available in single and big sets. My best retail in UK is Fields of glory. I hope that this figures are going to sell in spring.
  16. Alexander Zelenkov

    European civilians, WWII 1/35

    Hi to all! My new figures for Stalingrad range. These figures may be Germans in 1945 or French or Belgian in 1940 or any other European countries. 1/35 scale, Apoxie Sculpt. Hope these figures will remind to Europeans that worse thing is war. And you'll add efforts for finishing current wars in...
  17. Alexander Zelenkov

    Winter in Stalingrad

    Dear Friends, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3050 - Russian Soldiers, winter, Big Set # 3055 - Russian Soldier, winter # 3056 - Russian Soldier, winter # 3057 - Russian Soldiers, winter More photos you can see on Stalingrad site:
  18. Alexander Zelenkov

    German SS panzer oficer 1\10 bust boxart for Young miniatures

    Great work! ---- Отличная работа, Кирилл!
  19. Alexander Zelenkov

    WWI figures from Stalingrad

    Dear Friends, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 1100 - British Tank Corps, WWI Big Set # 1101 - British Tank Crewman, WWI # 1102 - British Tank Officer, WWI # 1103 - British Tank Officer, WWI # 1104 - British Tank Crewman, WWI # 1105 - British Tank Crewman, WWI More photos you can...