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  1. Alexander Zelenkov

    Eastern Front "Izba" house

    Very untypical for Russian countryside. Traditional "izba" look like this:
  2. Alexander Zelenkov

    A Girl

    Thanks to all! Yes, I going to release this figure in resin. May be in end of this year. ---------------- Thanks! Да, может в этом что-то есть. Пусть пока отстоится на полочке, глаз отдохнет, может и поправлю что-то. Я не спешу с запуском в серию. ---------------- Yes, I agree. I like real...
  3. Alexander Zelenkov

    A Girl

    Apoxie sculpt, 75 mm.
  4. Alexander Zelenkov

    Panzer Crew, 1/35 Stalingrad

    Hello, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3080 - Panzer Crew, Kursk 1943 Big Set # 3081 - Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3082 - Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3083 - Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3084 - Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3085 - Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 More photos you can...
  5. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian civilians from Stalingrad

    Dear Sir, Now available new WWII figures from Stalingrad: # 3070 - Russian refugees, Big Set 10 figures # 3071 - Russian refugees 3 figures # 3072 - Russian refugee woman # 3073 - Russian refugee man # 3074 - Russian refugee woman # 3075 - Russian refugee сhildren # 3076 - Russian old woman More...
  6. Alexander Zelenkov

    Art Nouveau

    Thanks guys! Now she is on my shelf and wait some finish touches. I want sculpt few more civil figures and hope they will be available in resin.
  7. Alexander Zelenkov

    Art Nouveau

    Hi all! My last project - Lady of Art Nouveau era (circa 1910). 75 mm Apoxie sculpt. I inspirited by Serov painting. Work under this figure was very interesting for me.
  8. Alexander Zelenkov

    Review Comparison between 2 figures, same subject, same scale.

    Romeo has better sculpting. But metal... I hate metal! Resin figure has better casting, not so expensive, provide better detailing, easy for assemble. Why you prefer metal? Does metal has any advantage or it is irrational feeling?
  9. Alexander Zelenkov

    Review Romeo models unboxing- Sannite warrior bust

    I can't see any problems of casting or sculpt on your photos. Can you point directly on troubles or make new photos? Did this bust sold only in packet without any box?
  10. Alexander Zelenkov

    New Pegaso Models

    Very nice sculpt and paint! But horse seems too big for ancient era.
  11. Alexander Zelenkov

    German Infantry in action from Stalingrad

    Dear Sir, Now are available new figures and kit from Stalingrad: # 3060 - German Infantry in action, Big Set # 3061 - German Infantryman # 3062 - German Infantryman # 3063 - German MG team # 3064 - German Infantry NCO # 3065 - German Infantryman # 3066 - German Infantryman # 3067 - German...
  12. Alexander Zelenkov

    Started learning ZBrush - Dragon

    Pleasantly see your success in new "hobby"!
  13. Alexander Zelenkov

    Medieval European man-at-arms XVcentury . 75mm

    Great work! -------- Отличная работа!
  14. Alexander Zelenkov

    Winter news from Stalingrad

    Dear Sir, Now available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3051 - Russian Officers, 1939-43 # 3052 - Russian Tanker, 1939-45 # 3053 - Russian Soldier, 1940-45 # 3054 - Russian Soldier and Orphan, 1941-45 More photos you can see on web-site
  15. Alexander Zelenkov

    Japanese Soldier bust , December,Acmodels.

    Yes, your works sometimes like a impressionistic pictures - good idea and shape, but rough work in detail. (I like impressionist and enjoyed view of original masterpieces in museum d'Orsay in Paris) Now miniatures technique incline to classical painting.
  16. Alexander Zelenkov

    Japanese Soldier bust , December,Acmodels.

    Good idea, but very rough work.