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  1. Alexander Zelenkov

    New Russians in Berlin (2)

    Dear Sir, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3040 - Russian Infantrymen, Berlin 1945 - Big Set 10 figures # 3046 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3047 - Russian Infantrymen, Berlin 1945 # 3048 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3049 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 More...
  2. Alexander Zelenkov


    Very big binocular, but in other sides it is very good figure!
  3. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Scout V Bust

    Very good work! Like what modelling Russians WWII become popular.
  4. Alexander Zelenkov

    H&V Miniatures News

    Roman Senator is very interesting.
  5. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Penal Battalion.

    I am agree with Colin opinion. Thank you, Gents, for discussion. It was be very interesting hear real opinions from West. I can recommended few modern books of Russian view of WWII. It is not a commercial advertising, but I read these books on Russian and very glad what now these books available...
  6. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Penal Battalion.

    Incorrect opinion also. Most of soldier condemn to penal units made real crime or malfeasance. Big part of malfeasance (retreat without command, lost of military vehicles, self-mutilation and other) now we can classified only like a misconduct, but we should remember condition of Soviet society...
  7. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Penal Battalion.

    David, I am understand what you have a very small information about Soviet penal battalions of WWII. Most of available on English language information like a "Enemy at the Gate" and Antony Beevor's books use old-fashioned and tendentious information from Cold-war era stories and propaganda. Now...
  8. Alexander Zelenkov

    Russian Penal Battalion.

    Who are these men? This is absolutely not historically authentic scene if you try showed WWII era Soviet penal battalion.
  9. Alexander Zelenkov

    News from Stalingrad

    Hello all! Now are available new figures and kit from Stalingrad: # 3041 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3042 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3043 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3044 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 3045 - Russian Infantryman, Berlin 1945 # 502 - German boxes...
  10. Alexander Zelenkov

    Ivan Tsarevich, 32 mm

    Hi all! Ivan Tsarevich (Ivan the Prince) is the Russian folk tales hero. He fly on Magic carpet with Firebird. My work inspired by Viktor Vasnetsov picture"The Magic Carped" 1880. Hi quality original paintwork: (music: Steppenwolf - Magic...
  11. Alexander Zelenkov

    Life Miniatures July 2013 New Release

    Great work and very tasty product.
  12. Alexander Zelenkov

    WIP Critique 1/16 The officer & his doberman

    Like your new work, Kaz! May be you make officer in German police uniform? It will be interesting and logically with dog.
  13. Alexander Zelenkov

    The Orphan

    Thanks, my friends! This figures will be available in Stalingrad line ( ) in couple month. I will make realise here in PF-news when all be ready.
  14. Alexander Zelenkov

    The Orphan

    Hello All! I want show my recent work - winter Russian WWII soldiers with small girl. I inspired wartime photo for this figures. I like photos of Soviet WWII photographers - this photos has own internal matter and give feeling of wartime people. 1/35 scale, Apoxie Sculpt. I not show here my...
  15. Alexander Zelenkov

    Completed Caribbean pirate. 75 mm

    Love your work! Keep character. ------ Игорь, отличная работа! Удалось поймать образ, узнаваем.
  16. Alexander Zelenkov

    WIP Critique 1/16 Fallshirmjäger

    Very good work! Your paintwork is Great and I am glad what you began sculpt also! Would be good if you add a bit more attention to cleaning and smoothing of sculpt. Left boot sole, fit left hand to MP and some other details need more attention. Big scale allow make it. I can't say anything about...
  17. Alexander Zelenkov

    New Alexandros Models

    Difficult painting. I like this figure! But the coiffure seems dishevelled.
  18. Alexander Zelenkov

    News from Stalingrad

    Hello! Now available new figures and kits from Stalingrad: # 3590 - Waffen-SS Panzer Crew, Kursk 1943 Big Set # 3591 - WSS Panzer Commander, Kursk 1943 # 3592 - WSS Panzer Crew, Kursk 1943 # 3593 - WSS Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3594 - WSS Panzer Crewman, Kursk 1943 # 3595 - WSS Panzer...
  19. Alexander Zelenkov

    MFCA Preview #2 - 1/24 scale & 120mm - Model Cellar

    Very good sculpt of pilots.