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  1. Grizzly

    Help with uniform color

    Getting ready to get back into a 120mm figure project I had shelved awhile ago and need help with getting the right shade of paint. I am now using acrylics and so would like some suggestions for the Vallejo range for the greenish khaki for a North Vietnamese uniform. Anyone here into vietnam...
  2. Grizzly

    Adalbertus - new releases

    Alright!! about time someone offered WW2 Polish soldiers other than the occasional stan alone figure. Interested in this part of WW2 history and is nice to see these. :)
  3. Grizzly

    Problem Painting Metal Warhammer Figures

    Ya I play some myself, mainly Warhammer 40K but enjoy painting the variety of wargame figures; so many different subjects and the detail on some of them are really good.
  4. Grizzly

    Problem Painting Metal Warhammer Figures

    GaryJD is right Neil at the warstore is a good guy and service is great!! Don't know if any of those places I listed are near you,not familiar with Florida. But hope it helps. ;)
  5. Grizzly

    Problem Painting Metal Warhammer Figures

    DUH!!!! :lol: Saw your location below your name after my last post. Ok in florida here are the list of store locations for Games Workshop products. The list is just the city/town and phone numbers. 1.Pensacola 850-474-1419 2. Pinellas Park 727-541-6654 3. Sarasota 941-925-0833 4...
  6. Grizzly

    Problem Painting Metal Warhammer Figures

    According to one of the clerks at the GW store they don't mail order spray paint,only ship to their stores. If you let me know where you live I could check the store index in the White Dwarf magazine to see if there is a store close. When I am out of the warhammer primer I use the krylon...
  7. Grizzly

    Problem Painting Metal Warhammer Figures

    Blake, On my warhammer figures I use a base coat of primer,though I don't use the testors primer only use the gamesworkshop primers it gives the paint something to stick too. I use Vallejos some myself on them and they work great!
  8. Grizzly

    Need helmets

    Hi All, I know I am taking a long shot at this but I am hoping some of you long time figure builders may have a few of the helmets to Tamiyas old metal 1/25 scale german ww2 figures,just need the helmets. I know cold chance in you know where :lol: but doesn't hurt to ask eh? If someone does...
  9. Grizzly

    Painted Bust for sale

    Hey Guy's, Anders painted this forge world orc bust last year for my brother who now wants to sell it and has asked me to post it ,does not want to really deal with ebay;he's asking $80 plus shipping,if any of you want it or know somone who does please email me at [email protected]...
  10. Grizzly

    replica badges F/S

    Forgot to add these last night. Replica badges that i have used on various figures in the past instead of title plates,cast by a gentleman who did it for collectors and reenactors through a mail order business called Hutchinson House which is out of business. Looking to get rid of what i have...
  11. Grizzly

    Misc. stuff F/S

    Hey All, Getting rid of alot of stuff lately and below is a small list of some figure related items. If interested please email me direct at [email protected] US only please. there are some armor items in the list ,didnt feel like typing two lists ;) POLAR LIGHTS 1.SPIDERMAN...
  12. Grizzly

    Looking for 120mm figure

    not by much but am hoping to find one before resorting ot the more difficult path of remodeling a ww1 version over to the ww2 model.
  13. Grizzly

    Looking for 120mm figure

    ok i saw the Stormtroopers figure and i like it alot!! very nice figure but yes the weapon is wrong for what i wanted;but i do know of 120mm hand sets and all i need to do is find a source for a 120mm enfield rifle and rework the figure to be holding it. Any good souce for weapon set?all ive...
  14. Grizzly

    Looking for 120mm figure

    Thanks for the leads guys ill keep searching. ;)
  15. Grizzly

    Looking for 120mm figure

    Hi All, Am looking for a source for a 120mm figure of a WW2 British paratrooper,preferably in a standing pose or some sort of casual one,with the enfield rifle and hopefully wearing the para beret. Anyone know of anyone who produces such a figure close to the pose and equipment i mentioned? TIA
  16. Grizzly

    Memorial Day

    Really nice Brock! ;)
  17. Grizzly

    Memorial Day

    Really nice Brock! ;)
  18. Grizzly

    Helmet reference needed

    Thanks for the info guys ;) I did check ebay and saw all kinds of vietnam era helmets just none of the viet ranger ones.
  19. Grizzly

    Helmet reference needed

    Hi All, Need some extra reference on the helmets worn by the Vietnamese rangers with the black tiger emblems on their helmets,so far no luck on google just alot of written info(maybe im doing it wrong) does anyone here know of a site where i can find pics of the real thing?the camo pattern and...
  20. Grizzly

    Space Marine figure

    Thanks Rob, The base color is game workshop's hawk turquoise.