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  1. Sergey Popovichenko

    Review Signifer from Altores Studio

    Friends, welcome. I recently received a package with a bunch of figures from Altores. Thanks to Alexander Pashin for his work and efficiency. So, a review of the first figure. This is a representative of the...
  2. Sergey Popovichenko

    White Rose Fall

    Hello everybody! Here is my next job. This is a figurine from the Medieval Forge of Miniatures firm. The sculptor is the wonderful and inimitable Oleg Pogosyan. It should be said that this figure was based on a drawing by Matthew Ryan - Historical Artist Illustrator. My goal was to draw the box...
  3. Sergey Popovichenko

    75mm Stalker/Post Apocalyptic

    This is not a 75mm figure. It is 54-56mm (1/32). Sculptor Alexander Deryabin (Moscow). If I am not mistaken, Tartar Miniatures are produced now. There is another stalker, I think. Pay attention to the firm Mercury Models. There are many stalkers 1/32 and 1/24...
  4. Sergey Popovichenko

    Roma Victrix!

    Hi friends!!!!! I am looking forward to present to you my work "Roma Victrix!" from InMotion Creations. This is boxart. And tonight the manufacturer will make an official presentation of its release. 75mm, sculpture by @victor_aguilardb Painted with AK-Interactive acrylic , Abteilung 502 oils...
  5. Sergey Popovichenko

    For Sale Gladiators diorama

    Hi my friends! Its my work for sale!!! The figurines are removable on pins, the weapons are as removable as the columns. For safe transportation. Figures from the Mercury Model. 75mm. Resin. More photos
  6. Sergey Popovichenko

    "Tu proximum!"

    Thanks for good words!!!
  7. Sergey Popovichenko

    "Tu proximum!"

    Figures from the Mercury Models. Sculptor Ruslan Vorobyov. Painting and entourage are mine. 75mm. Resin, gypsum, wood, products and paints AK-Interactive, Vallejo, Abteilung 502 "Tu proximum!"- "You are next!" - says dimakher, pointing at his opponent with a bloody sword. The weapons of the...
  8. Sergey Popovichenko

    Wanting to Buy Border Miniatures

    Hello friends! Maybe someone has such figurines for sale?
  9. Sergey Popovichenko

    Selling Medieval & Roman Busts & Figures

    Need some figure. Vrite PM about payment please!
  10. Sergey Popovichenko

    VIEW ENTRY'S IN NOVEMBER 2020 FOTM till 31/12 BEFORE VOTING IN POLL ( link in thread )

    Hi! Here is my entry for the November FOM, the 120mm STALKER
  11. Sergey Popovichenko

    Exclusion Zone 1.0

    Meet. Stalker in the gloomy dungeons of the Exclusion Zone. Figurine by Legion Miniatures. Sculptor Nikita Ableev. Scale 120mm, resin. My entourage is made from scrap materials. If you wish, you can order a painting of this or any other figure in a similar entourage on the theme of Stalker or...
  12. Sergey Popovichenko

    My works of 2020.

    Thank You my friends!! Next work! Templar 90mm Pegaso Models Base hand made.
  13. Sergey Popovichenko

    My works of 2020.

  14. Sergey Popovichenko

    My works of 2020.

    The next job was this ... Medieval Scottish Highlander Sculptor Ruslan Vorobyov. Box Art for Mercury Models. Resin, 75mm.
  15. Sergey Popovichenko

    My works of 2020.

    Hello friends! I apologize. I have not visited the forum for a long time. I spend too much time on the Internet. Social media is evil. I will post my 2020 works in one place. You may have seen them already. And some may not yet. Figure from Romeo Models. 54mm. TEMPLAR The helmet has been...
  16. Sergey Popovichenko

    Wanting to Buy PiliPili 90mm Ukranian Cossack

    Hello! I have this Cossack. Still interesting?
  17. Sergey Popovichenko


    Thank You all !!!! :rolleyes::shy::joyful: