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  1. Figure Mad

    Valley Forge.

    What a lovely figure.......
  2. Figure Mad

    Completed Viking Fury

    Hi Malcolm Welcome aboard, I hope the leg is a lot better, you could try importing the images at the bottom of the post or using links to photo bucket, try not to make them too large in pixel size or resolution, they will display ok... Dave
  3. Figure Mad

    News La Meridiana

    I knew this would grab your attention Brian, I see a little problem with the left wrist, nothing a bit of putty wouldn't sort out Nice figure Dave
  4. Figure Mad

    A little guidance needed

    Hi James Verlinden figures and sets are ok to good, sometimes the sculpting can be a bit off, but some of them are a good start, some of the best figures for the WW2 period are alpine miniatures, they are also not too expensive. Go with the Verlinden for now, but you will want to move on to...
  5. Figure Mad

    A little guidance needed

    Hi James When using a retarder, don't add too much, just small amount, just slow the drying down. You can use a hair dryer to speed the drying a bit. As far as figures are concerned, what's your main interest or subject, there are hundreds of manufacturers out there, but my main suggestion...
  6. Figure Mad

    A little guidance needed

    Hi James Your methods are not wrong for you, as everybody paints with a slightly different method to each other. The one thing I have seen many times is the loss of fine detail when using acrylics with too heavy a base coat, I now use a quite thin mix for base coat so I don't fill any of that...
  7. Figure Mad

    New to miniatures - What you need :

    You are talking to the wrong person here about the wrong person. I nor John Rosengrant need or warrant comments like that, if you spent a little more time painting something instead of insulting people maybe you would have a better opinion of yourself, then maybe you could put up a post that...
  8. Figure Mad

    New to miniatures - What you need :

    Paint figures of a subject that grabs your interest, it could be a subject that you haven't even considered or a subject that you have seen many of, it's your choice, there are plenty out there. One thing I do suggest is get good quality cast and sculpted figures, be choosy, getting good quality...
  9. Figure Mad

    Wall mounted Vallejo style paint racks

    Now there is a familiar idea, good work Jon. definitely worth the effort of getting them together mate, well done Dave
  10. Figure Mad


    This is looking really nicely painted Mike, the fur on the coat is particularly good, I was looking forward to seeing it at the MFCA, I was hoping to meet you, but maybe next year It must feel good getting back to the painting, I am not sure you have many issues with acrylics that you would not...
  11. Figure Mad

    Franz und Emil - an epic story (sort of)

    Hi Mike I got these at the weekend, cracking stuff mate. Please can you give me some idea as to whet the materials for the flight suits are, as I have not see this type of over trouser before, I can see the heavy cotton flight suit on the guy on the left, but are the over trousers made from...
  12. Figure Mad

    MFCA Preview - 1/32 Pilots - Model Cellar

    I can second the comments on the Immelmann figure its a cracker...... Dave
  13. Figure Mad

    MFCA Preview #2 - 1/24 scale & 120mm - Model Cellar

    Paul, Paul, Paul, 120mm WW1 Crew, wow ........... Mine, Mine, Mine Dave
  14. Figure Mad

    Completed Australian Light Horseman, Box Art finished

    Thanks Jason, I will check that out with my reference again Dave
  15. Figure Mad

    Completed Australian Light Horseman, Box Art finished

    Hi Guys Here is the final images of the Australian Light Horse Bust from ModelCellar... Dave
  16. Figure Mad

    Coming soon from Model Cellar !

    Mike thanks for that, I will look for the set at the weekend, although I have done the ar changes to the dog now, and a little work on the snout, thanks again Dave
  17. Figure Mad

    Coming soon from Model Cellar !

    I have been very lucky to have already got this, I decided to add a little something from the parts bin, I found a MvR Moritz to go along with it, I know its not perfect match for the breed of dog, but its close Gonna call this “The Eagle and the Hound” Dave
  18. Figure Mad

    WIP Australian Light Horseman, Box Art

    Thanks very much guys Dave
  19. Figure Mad

    WIP Australian Light Horseman, Box Art

    Hi Guys Paul from Modelcellar has asked me to put up a couple of images of the Australian Light Horseman for you, its mid way through lots of work to do. Its a good looking bust from the hands of Carl Reid as most of you will already know, this should be ready by the weekend... please...