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  1. Paul


    Made by Fredericus Rex as part of thier Greenline range of wagons. Kobelwagen? Well wagon is easy. Kobel (or Koben) means stall, a simple small room made from Planks, usually to hold animals. Basically a covered wagon, used principally by women as a means of Transport. The kit, made from...
  2. Paul


    Horse Boys or Hobelars Redbox´s Irish Mounted Troops. Originally I was going to use other nags, particually for the boss, unpainted they look a bit podgy but after test painting one it turned out looking ok though not quite as elegant looking as an actual Irish Hobby. (The breed is now...
  3. Paul

    Bodstonian mounted command

    As previously mentioned, I thought a complete command Group for a small number of dragoons was a bit over the top so they have ended up as a mounted command Group for the entire Bodstonian army. The commander of the Bodstonian land Forces (I F**kin` hate painting White nags!! ) Colonel Jeremiah...
  4. Paul

    Bodstonian Dragoons (Pt 4)

    As noted at PSR; This gives us nine poses, which is quite a good number for a cavalry set of this quality, so we feel quite guilty in pointing out that a figure firing his musket from the saddle would have been a really useful pose (perhaps instead of one of the swordsmen) Well, that´s easily...
  5. Paul

    Bodstonian Dragoons (Pt 3)

    A couple more Standing bods. The one tending the nag has had his left arm swopped with one of the riflemen´s arms which has been repositioned so it looks like he´s giving the nag a sugar lump (maybe) and the reins have been cut away from his right hand. I decided to base the bod "making ready"...
  6. Paul

    Bodstonian Dragoons (Pt 2)

    A couple more finished. Unfortunately The set has few nag poses, 4 only, so both riders have the same nag. As there will only be a few Dragoons, 8 or so,* they don´t Warrant a Standard bearer etc so the Command bods in the set I´ll paint up as Regimental command bods. The wigged bod...
  7. Paul

    Bodstonian Dragoons (Pt 1)

    Using the Zvezda Dragoons of Peter I set. First up the dismounted bods The set Comes with 3 bods Holding the nags and a possible 6 nags for him to hold. Small Problem is ..if he´s Holding the reins..then all of the nags already have reins so they needed removing An "ahhh!" bit. At the...
  8. Paul

    English Men-At-Arms 13th-14th Century - Strelets (conversions)

    The OOB set has 12 poses to which I´d added two conversions already, as can be seen HERE Back then I reckoned at least another 4 conversions were here they are. Left.The obvious and not much of an conversion, swopping the flag for a spear. Right. Adding a halberd from the...
  9. Paul


    The foot bodettes to complement the Mounted set. 10 in the set, half of which are archers, which, when added to the Modern Amazon foot, gives them a lot more firepower. This lot are dressed and armed less like their Modern Amazon sisters, who are more along the lines of Conan/ Hercules / Zena...
  10. Paul

    Mounted Amazons

    I´m still playing "catch up" with the Alliance range of Fantasy bods. 34 sets and I´ve painted about 28-29 of them. As with the Modern Mounted Amazons I´ve swopped the nags provided for ones from the HäT Numidian cavalry and the Zvezda Carthaginian Numidian Cavalry so they fit alongside the...
  11. Paul

    War Trolls - (Set 3)

    Made By Dark Alliance 4 Trolls in the set, hardish plastic, virtually no Flash. They look more like Cave trolls than the the Previous sets of War Trolls (Olog-hai) but seeing as they appear to be cave trolls and are able, like the Olog-hai, to withstand sunlight*, I´ve painted them up so they...
  12. Paul

    Fire Demons - Balrogs (Set 2)

    Again, made by Dark Alliance and again, big beasts. For my considerations on size ..see HERE The whole Gang together. I might have swopped the wings between the two sets. Alliance has made Trolls, Balrogs, Orcs, Uruks, Dwarves, Elves and Wargs to populate a 1/72nd scale middle...
  13. Paul

    War Trolls - Olag Hai (Set 2)

    The second set of Trolls from Dark Alliance and in Terms of use and ..unfortunately Quality*, a bit of a mixed set. You get eight in the box, two lots of four poses and I´ve painted up only one...the reasons will become clear. Teddy The catapult is from one of those "Bag-O-Kniggits". I´ve...
  14. Paul

    Fire Demons - Balrogs (set 1)

    Made by Dark Alliance. These things are big, not quite as big as the Balrog in the LotR´s film, The Fellowship of the Ring and although Tolkien was never specific about the size and appearance of the Moria Balrog it´s film depiction is frankly, ridicously enormous. Thier height. From page...
  15. Paul

    Orc Catapults

    Produced by Dark Alliance, they appear to be Based on the ones shown in the Hobbit film, Battle of the five armies. I´ve stuck to the colour scheme I used for the Olag Hai, animal characteristics - the pinkish Skin and troll ones , the Grey cracked Stone like Skin Initially it´s not 100%...
  16. Paul

    More bits and Bods

    A few bits that don´t Warrant a post all of thier own.* Two new additions to the Bodstonia Landscape, a couple of Trappers/Militia. Bodies from the Imex Pilgrims, the heads from the Imex George Washington´s army Some more North American Indians in a Canoe. Bodies and Canoe from the Imex Lewis...
  17. Paul

    Modern Mounted Amazons

    Like the Modern Amazons on foot, they have been re-assigned as Cimmerians. They´ve been given the nags from the HäT Numidian Cavalry. The nags aren´t as sturdy as the ones from the Mounted Cimmerians set but they fit the Bodettes better and provide a light cavaly element. The Mounts provided...
  18. Paul

    Modern Amazons - Foot (Mild Nudity)

    Modern Amazons as opposed to ancient or classical ones. More from the Alliance range of Fantasy bods and Monsters. 10 Bodettes in the set, a wee bit of a Problem with Flash but it´s easily removed. I´m going to use them as Female Cimmerians so... .....I´ve stuck to the colour scheme I used...
  19. Paul

    Imagi-Nation meets reality

    After reading a great book, Changes in the Land written by William Cronon, suggested by TMP member Otto Schmidt, I´m going mention something I wrote in a previous post of mine, the one about the Imex Eastern Friendly Indians set. There I showed my ignorance of Native American Indian culture...
  20. Paul


    Another set from LW. I didn´t paint up the bod on the´s a converted bod from the Esci Barbarians set (you can see him HERE) 6 bods in the set (one is a repeat pose from the LW Medieval Mortar set) and, as mentioned, the one on the stake. The guards and a hooded Dentist...sorry...