Produced Soldiers of Fortune from Ukraine
Inglish infantryman and Scottish infantryman, 1812-1815
white metal 54mm
sculptor - Pavel Sapotskiy
painting - Ruslan Vorobyov
For sale contact - [email protected]
Light infantryman France 1810
producer Soldiers of Fortune from Ukraine
white metal 54mm
sculptor - Pavel Sapotskiy
painting - Ruslan Vorobyov
For sales contact [email protected]
Produced Soldiers of Fortune from Ukraine
Highlander 1746 (independend company)
white metal 54mm
sculptor - Pavel Sapotskiy
painting - Ruslan Vorobyov
For wholesale access - [email protected]
Wehrmacht infantryman Germany 1942 (kit)
produced Soldiers of Fortune from Ukraine ([email protected])
white metal 90mm
sculptor - Pavel Sapotskiy
painting - Ruslan Vorobyev