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  1. btavis

    Incredible Large Scale Display

    This is truly outstanding. A large scale incredibly realistic display of Gallipoli:
  2. btavis

    Adam Beane Sculpting Tutorial DVD

    Adam Beane is going to offer a how to sculpting DVD through donations. The link can be found here: I don't normally (like never) promote stuff like this but Adam is one of the best sculptors around and I think...
  3. btavis

    Incredible Paper Sculptures

    I found this via Stumble and thought they were pretty outstanding.
  4. btavis

    Mind Blowing Airbrush Illustration

    This is not a photograph but the work of Iwata airbrush artist Dru Blair Needless to say it is exceptional beyond belief.
  5. btavis

    WIP Bonus March Riots

    My new project is on the Bonus March riots of 1933 that took place in Washington DC. The veterans of WWI were promised bonuses for service and since it was the Depression they wanted the government to pay them right away as many were out of work. The scene will depict a riot in the...
  6. btavis


    Anybody know anything about the release of the following movies: Ore-Kimi Company K Crossing the Line Admiral Kolchak Poltava Turkish Gambit Tali-Ihantala Passchendaele The Red Barron
  7. btavis

    Sculpting videos

    I found an interesting site with some very nice sculpting videos:
  8. btavis

    Chain Gang

    Continuing my Americana themed dioramas my next project will be on a Georgia Chain Gang from the 1930's depression era. Here is an example of a Chain Gang worksong:
  9. btavis

    Forum Problems

    I have been having consistent problems over the last few months getting pages to display. If I click on Forums the ensuing page is blank. If I click refresh it will still be blank and I could click refresh fifty times and it will still be blank. I get the same thing with checking new posts. It...
  10. btavis

    Help from our French friends

    I know I have seen this but I cannot recall what it is called. What it is is a pas de deux dance with a man who is dressed in beret, scarf, striped shirt and black pants smoking a Galoise and a woman, who is wearing a long slit skirt, black stockings, a striped shirt with long black or brown...
  11. btavis

    Punitive Patton

    For my next diorama I have started a project that depicts a scene from the life of young George Patton when he was just a second Lieutenant under Pershing during the 1916 Puntive Expedition against Pancho Villa. A description of the event can be found here...
  12. btavis

    Civil War Firetrucks

    I am looking for any book or online reference regarding firetrucks used during the Civil War. This would be the period from 1850 - 1865. Specifically, I am looking for images of these vehicles.
  13. btavis

    Andrea Musketeers

    I am still painting gray army stuff and had to do the Four Musketeers by Andrea. They are such fabulous pieces and I have done two so far. Just to keep things interesting I painted these in Humbrols. Incidentally I just read today that Humbrol is coming out with a line of acrylic paints this...
  14. btavis

    Prussian by Elite

    I had this beautifully sculpted figure by Stefano Canone released by Elite and I just had to paint it.
  15. btavis

    Infinity Shape US Soldier

    I picked up this very beautifully sculpted, 1/35 scale Infinity Shape US Soldier in the Pacific when it first came out and painted it over the weekend. Since I do not do many stock figures I really liked this one from the pose to the delicate details sculpted by Ho Seo and just had to paint it...
  16. btavis

    Strange Fruit

    I have already started my next project and I am quite a ways into. However, I will only tease you with what it is about with the following MP3 file from the greatest blues/soul singer that ever lived - Billie Holiday. It will be a...
  17. btavis

    Vallejo Airbrush Colors

    Has anyone tried the Vallejo airbrush colors? I picked up a set and have been using them for regular brushing and they are very nice. The consistency is obviously thinner than the regular colors but they have great tinting power and for painting in thin washes they are excellent.
  18. btavis

    Doug Cohen (United States) -- Mexican Villista, c.

    There may be some confusion here. Doug does singular pieces and I believe that piece was already sold. Plus Doug does not use Internet so he would never see this request. Doug only sells what he makes and does not do commissions and I do not believe that piece was cast for commercial sale.
  19. btavis

    Brave Little Belgium

    I have started my third piece in my World War One trilogy following the Taxi de la Marne and The Day That Shook the World. This will portray an engagement in Belgium during the first few weeks of August 1914 in which Belgian forces using armored cars pursued German Hussars and Uhlans who served...
  20. btavis

    Winston Churchill 1/9th scale scratchbuild

    Since Kitspy was removed I am reposting this topic I had started there. I will be doing a 1/9th scale, full figure of Winston Churchill based on the following picture. To that end, the Thompson is prominent to the pose so I started with that first. The model is a Savage Bridgeport after the...