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  1. JCOX


    Hello, Here are a few busts I've completed over the past year... James
  2. JCOX

    WIP Disco Spock

    1/10 Bust of Discovery Spock. Started sketch of Pike too. Jim
  3. JCOX

    WIP Vignette Mock-Up

    Hello, Here's a mock-up of an Star Wars stormtrooper vignette I have in mind. It depicts a trooper who has just been severely wounded and a medic trooper arriving to render aid. They're both 1/12 Bandai kits and the head is one I ordered off ebay. In addition to the back pack on the medic...
  4. JCOX

    MISERICORDIA Conversion

    Hello, Just finished PF Works Misericordia. I added belts, straps, shield and ax to convert him into a medieval mercenary. James
  5. JCOX

    WIP YM German Stormtrooper WWI

    Latest project. YM German Stormtrooper WWI. This is a superb bust to paint. Loved the paint scheme on the helmet by Dmitry Fesechko (, so I imitated it. Also went with a cigarette instead of the pipe that comes with the kit. Hope to have more pics soon...
  6. JCOX

    WIP Latorre Saxon Warrior

    Hello fellow figure painters! Hope everyone had a great holiday season. I was able to get some painting done. Here's Latorre's great sculpt of a Saxon Warrior 5th Century. I grunged him up quite a bit; the hard found battle has just concluded. Base and ground work are not completed yet, but...
  7. JCOX

    Nuts Planet Aquila

    Completed Nuts Planet Aquila. Very nice bust to paint, well sculpted with a lot of character. Jim
  8. JCOX

    WIP Aquila

    Just about finished with Nuts Planet's Auila... Sorry about the bad pics, need to get a decent camera. Jim
  9. JCOX

    Some recently completed figures

    Been a member for years, but due to life events, it's been a while since I last posted. Finally put paint to some figures earlier this year after a long break. Not the best pics but it feels good to be painting again. Hope to share more soon. :) James
  10. JCOX

    Why So Serious?

    Hello, WIP of HL Joker. 1/6th scale. SS. -jim
  11. JCOX


    Hello, Here's Spock (movie version). 1/3 scale. He's not quite done yet but close. Comments and crits welcome. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  12. JCOX

    Lincoln Bust

    Hello, Here's a Lincoln bust I've been working on. It's done in SS. The face is SS + SS Gray Firm. He's 1/3 scale. Comments/crits welcome. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  13. JCOX

    Man With No Name - Faux Bronze

    Hello, Here's a sculpt I did a while back that's painted in faux bronze style using Calvin's technique. -jim cox
  14. JCOX

    Chief Joseph - WIP

    Working on this as a gift for my dad. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  15. JCOX

    Man With No Name

    Hey all, Comments/crits welcome. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  16. JCOX


    It's been a while, but I've have been slowly plugging away.
  17. JCOX

    Painting Josey (Need Input)

    Hey All, I've started painting my Josey Wales sculpt and I need some help from all you painters. This is my first attempt at an all-acrylic paint up. The face is done and the jacket (gray) is basically done. The shirt (blue), bandana and hair/beard have been started. What stands out to you that...
  18. JCOX

    Clint - Outlaw Josey Wales

    Hello, I decided to scrap my former CE bust and try again. Here is the latest effort: -jim cox
  19. JCOX

    Clint Eastwood Bust

    Hey gang, Been wanting to do this bust for a while, finally got up the courage to give it a try. When done, it'll be the pose in my avatar. -jim cox
  20. JCOX

    Sacagawea (Sacajawea)

    Hey all, It's been a while, but here's my latest attempt. This is bust of Sacagawea with her son (Pomp). It's based losely on the one dollar coin image. -jim cox