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  1. ori

    News from OriolQuin Sculptures

    Hello again... too many time since my last post... but I'm still alive ;-) I have some miniatures to show you but first, please sign up my newletter to stay up to date! So here the miniatures: 1er Terç de Miquelets, Girona 1808 An historic miniature about the napoleonic wars in the peninsula...
  2. ori

    News from OriolQuin Sculptures

    Hello to everybody!! Many time since my last post, but I think you will like my news ;-) I want to present two new series: Cartoon Minibusts and Women! Carton Minibusts is a serie of fun heads, cheaps and easy to paint... Is the perfect miniature to begin and finish in one sesion dedicated to...
  3. ori

    The Last Visigoth, Hispania 800dc by Oriol Quin

    Hey! I just want to introduce you my new miniature. It's the first of my new historic serie: "The Last Visigoth, Hispania 800dc" You can visit my site and buy this miniature and the other of my "at the moment" very little catalogue ;-) The site is Hope you like it!!
  4. ori

    Oriol Quin Sculptures New Release: Rob Roy

    I just want to show you my last product: Rob Roy, the young one. This is the first miniature of the new series "The young ones", where I'll imagine famous historic characters when they where kids. I hope you like the character, the sculpt and also the painting ;-) Character: Rob Roy Serie...
  5. ori

    New company, new figure, new job

    Hello folks!! It's a pleaure to me introduce my personal website where I'll shop my own figures: There will be 3 diferent lines: History figures and busts, Cartoon figures and busts and Fantasy&ScyFi figures and busts. The first figure is a figure I sculped the last year and is a...
  6. ori

    Wanting to Buy Antigue Pegaso 90mm

    I'm looking for this figure:
  7. ori

    The Hedge Knight

    Hello!! I just want to show you my last work. I hope you like it ;) If you want to see it painted just go to Ares Mythologic website Thanks
  8. ori


    Hello everybody!! Too many time since my last post... I have been crossing my particular desert. My job, my family and a disappointment with the hobby move me away from it. But my kids grows up, the crisis cames and my job desappears! Now I have time for the hobby, but with another point of...
  9. ori

    Montjuic 1641

    I show you what I'm morking on.
  10. ori

    Valencia, 1238

    Hello. I want to show you all my last work. It's about the conquest of Valencia by the army of Jaume I, one of the most importants counts of Catalonia and king of Aragon. I hope you all enjoy with my work, and if somebody want to know something more about it, i will try to help. And thanks to my...
  11. ori

    Mediterranean pirate s.xvi

    I have been inactive during three months but now I'm here again. I want to show you the sculpture of a mediterranean pirate, the plague that knocked the mediterranean sea until the battle of Lepanto (1571). It's not finished yet, but I hope to finish the sculpt and paint it in the next weeks. As...
  12. ori

    Marca Hispanica 850

    Hi! I show you my last work. It's a warrior of the Marca Hispanica, maybe one of the lords of the forntier with Al-Andalus. I want to represent Sunifred I, the father of "Guifré el Pilos", the first count of the old Catalonia, but it could represent anyone of the warlords of those years. He...
  13. ori

    Looking for a figure

    Hi. I have been looking for this figure for a long time. It was produced by a firm which no longer produces figures, Old Shako. I can not find it, neither through shops or mail order wholesalers. I would be most grateful if any of you has it available for sale or swapping or as a present!!!. I...
  14. ori

    Guerrer saxó

    Hi. This is my first contribution in this forum and i’d like to show the second figure I presented at the AMT show in Torrent and which got another silver medal. It’s Latorre’s “Northumbrian warrior” As i find the original figure a little dull, and as many modellers had done before, i modelled...