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  1. M

    New idea for a blog I've been off the scene for a few years and recently hit upon the idea of an online community where modellers can share their recipes for paintjobs in one webspace. The blog is in a very rough early phase and I would very much appreciate input from...
  2. M

    Commercially available religious figures?

    My mother is catholic (I'm not, but was brought up as one) and for a present, I would like to try my hand at making a statue or figure more realistic with acrylics. My question is, are there any offerings in resin, or would I just have to work on the usual plaster/metal figures? I know it may...
  3. M

    Searching for a sexy woman in 1/35

    I have an idea for a vignette involving a woman on a balcony, displaying her charms to a group of soldiers standing below her at street level. All the female figures I have seen so far have paled by comparison to the well sculpted military figures available in 1/35. I know that Andrea and...
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    Changing compressor oil

    The time has come for me to change the oil in my Sil Air 15, and having read the instructions, I am non the wiser as to how I should do it. This is the compressor, and the Silentaire site has the usual user manuals, but I am getting stuck on the plastic hoses that I have to disconnect...
  5. M

    Hornet head experiment

    This head comes from Hornet's HH23 set, and is an experiment in applying blood to a bandage. So far only the blood has been highlighted and shadowed, and my idea is to show a fairly freshly dressed wound. Skintones will be fairly light, considering the soldier has lost blood and is in shock...
  6. M

    Royal Model SS Grenadier at rest

    I have been working on this 1/35 figure as a step by step for my Vallejo Forum over the past few days. The progress is pretty self explanatory, and all the colours used are Vallejo naturally. I included a close up to show the Steilhandgrenate handle finished with burnt umber over the acrylic...
  7. M

    New Vallejo acrylics forum

    Here you will find a new forum I started as a fan site for users of Vallejo acrylics. I know that there are lots of articles strewn across the web, but a central resource may help to ease people's use of these colours. The forum is intended for both armour and miniature painters. Come along...
  8. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Taken from I originally posted this over on Planetarmor, but the site is down for maintenance. The figures are underway with basecoats and some highlights on the trousers so far. As for the diorama, there is still a lot to be done, with the pathway needing completion...
  9. M

    Feedback needed for website idea

    I have been considering starting a website/forum for the sculpting, converting, painting and finishing of 1/35 Heer, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe and Waffen SS figures. Whilst Planetfigure is a great base for knowledge, I do feel that the topic of 'German' figues can hold little interest for several...
  10. M

    Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head

    I haven't done any face painting in ages, so decided to get the Hornets out yesterday. So far I have just added the base layers, and the close ups are not too kind to me. The eye whites need touching up, as do some of the areas around the Totenkopf, which will receive some shadowing anyway. I...
  11. M

    1/35 Panzermann 'Hulk' scratchbuild

    This is the latest work from today, which was interrupted by a family phone call, hence the scrappy appearance of the putty. I am aiming to build a running crewman, with a rather impressive musculature. He will be decked out in pea pattern trousers and a half open, flapping undershirt. The...
  12. M

    First attempt ever at sculpting

    Sorry about the fingers in the shot, I haven't got a hands free yet. Working on a 1/35 50mm sculpt to ease myself into the world of sculpting. Just started on one leg with the musculature. Armature is made from soft toy fixing wire, and the putty is Milliput superfine. Drapery will be Waffen...
  13. M

    In at the deep end

    I had a windfall this week and decided to start putting some sculpting equipment together, with the aim of scratching/converting 1/35 WWII figures. Any help in my next shopping list would be greatly appreciated. MfG Martin
  14. M

    Website Idea

    I am thinking of building a site to cover the different applications of Vallejo Acrylics. The main idea is to have a voluntary database of people's mixes for basecoats, highlights and shadows. Maybe if there is enough interest, I would also add articles on techniques and step by step tutorials...
  15. M

    Alpine German Infantry Kursk

    I'm having a break from the Panzer Commander, so I decided to start this figure again. So far I have laid down the base colours, and will finish the equipment before I move on to the uniform. Comments welcome as usual. MfG Martin
  16. M

    Anyone else 'collect' paints?

    Seeing as how I don't drink or smoke, or have a girlfriend, I am free to give my money to the Vallejo family. I know this will be a tiny collection compared to some people on here, but I just love looking at it and then arranging them in number order. Maybe one day I will buy some figures...
  17. M

    Latest try at Heeres Splittermuster

    I stripped the Alpine figure and has another go at this scheme. There are areas that need relining and some touch ups. Any comments on colours and technique are more than welcome. MfG Martin
  18. M

    Suggestions needed for new projects

    As you may have gathered, my main interest lies in WWII Wehrmacht/Waffen SS 1/35 figures. I would like to branch out and experience some new figures in the same scale 1/35 or 54mm. The Vikings and Celtic/Germanic eras hold enough interest for me to venture into these areas. I had a look...
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    Advice needed on Vallejo grey colour choices

    I have finished the mausgrau shirt for this Wolf figure, yet I think it looks lifeless and lacking in definiton. Can anyone suggest a good technique and choice of Vallejo colours to reproduce a more vibrant effect on a single coloured shirt? This figure is making me think I'm just a one...
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    Brushes back out of retirement

    Due to a distilled water drought, I hadn't painted for a while. This is an old Wolf WSH 09 figure, with Vallejos. Some basic unblended shadows and highlights have been laid down, with the spots on one leg. Once the trousers are finished, they will be blended with a buff overspray. Leather...