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  1. dfmoss

    Bust/Figure Recommendations - Figure Painting Class

    I am a manager at a local hobby shop here in Memphis, TN, USA. Yesterday, I conducted a miniature figure painting class for some of our customers. We used a 28mm Reaper gaming figure as our subject. (I chose this figure because I made the mistaken assumption that most of the students were...
  2. dfmoss

    Wanting to Buy US B17 crewman or Pilot 120mm+

    I am looking for a 120mm (or larger) figure of a USAAF B17 pilot or crewman. I have the old Verlinden Memphis Belle crewman. I am looking for something with a little more "character," or more interesting pose. Any ideas? This will be for a local museum on the grounds of a former B17...
  3. dfmoss

    Is there a thread...

    Is there a thread somewhere to make suggestions for new figures? It struck me that a series of busts of leading commanders of the American Civil War might be of interest. Sort of like what Alexandros has done with the marshals of France series. Maybe select the more famous generals on each...
  4. dfmoss

    Crock pot (slow cooker) for drying oils

    Most of my recent figures have been done with acrylics. Now, I am considering going back to using oils some. Particularly on flesh areas. In the past, I have used a light bulb for drying oils and at one time had a plywood box with an adjustable switch. Now I am considering using a crock pot...
  5. dfmoss

    Completed Cowboy - 120mm - Mitches Military Models

    Ok, here is my progress so far on this figure. I have spent several sessions cleaning it up and refining details and filling holes. I have Blu-Tacked it together in the photo and have it setting on the base temporarily. I think the figure should be shifted to the right a bit more, even to the...
  6. dfmoss

    Pegaso 90mm Mounted Crusader

    Guys, I have a quick question about the figure in the attached photo. I have this figure and am about to start painting it. There are short stubs of metal rod sticking out of the horse's rear hooves. Does anyone know how far up the legs these rods go? I see no evidence that they go...
  7. dfmoss

    Would Love to See....

    I would like to see a series of figures showing the dress uniforms of various military academies. Maybe famous leaders as they appeared at the very start of their careers - Lee at West Point, Nimitz at Annapolis. Any academy would be interesting, not just the two mentioned. Wonder how a...
  8. dfmoss

    Does anyone produce - US Navy figures

    Anyone know of US Navy figures available in 54, 75, or 120mm? Almost any era is suitable (I can likely convert an 18th to early 19th century Royal Navy figure). It could be officer or enlisted; any uniform (dress, service,working). Thanks, Don
  9. dfmoss

    Oils Enamel Paint Mediums

    Anyone else use any sort of mediums in their enamel paints? I recently started using more enamels and oils after several years of using acrylics (still use acrylics, not dropping them, just diversifying). One problem I have had is that the enamels get thick and gooey on the palette while...
  10. dfmoss

    Napoleonic Brass

    Do I remember correctly that much brass in the Napoleonic Era had a copper-ish tint to it? (I want to say I read that somewhere.) Is this information correct? TIA, Don
  11. dfmoss

    Enamel - Palette Suggestions

    Anyone have a suggestion for the type palette to use with enamels? I have for years used a plastic sandwich bag over a white index card and am now looking for other options. Thanks, Don
  12. dfmoss

    United Empire 4th Massachusetts Cavalry Review?

    Has anyone reviewed the 54mm 4th Massachusetts Cavalry mounted figure by United Empire? (I searched but got no results, just wondering if I missed it somehow) Don
  13. dfmoss

    Printers' Inks - Where to Buy in the US?

    I need to restock my printers' inks. They are dried hard as a rock. My source for them is no longer available. Can anyone point me to a source to buy them in the USA? Are block printing inks suitable? My last inks were offset printing inks. Thanks, Don
  14. dfmoss

    WIP Sleeve lace on a Confederate Uniform

    I am attempting to add the lace seen on the sleeves of Confederate officers' uniforms in the American Civil War. I have tried rolling out Duro with little success. The putty is no very sticky, on it's own, and the lace tends to be lumpy looking. Wire seems to go everywhere and of course...
  15. dfmoss

    Royal Navy Figures?

    Anyone know of a source for 54mm Royal Navy figures (1780-1815 time period)? Thanks, Don
  16. dfmoss

    Baseball Player Figure needed

    Anyone know of a manufacturer that is producing a good baseball player figure? Thanks, Don
  17. dfmoss

    Help - Need Brown Bess Musket

    Guys, I am working on the Andrea Mohawk II figure - the one with the redcoat and musket. The musket is so badly bent that I want to change it out. Does anyone have a spare musket. The Historex Brown Bess should work pretty well. (I have the French musket but it looks too much like the 1777...